Page 53 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 53


             VISION                                          MISSION

             To become the preferred Islam-                  To ethically deliver best value to
             ic financial provider                           stakeholders, society and environment

                                                                         OUTCOMES FOR OUR STAKEHOLDERS

       Transaction &   Treasury &                  Customers                               Business Partners
       Digital Banking  Capital Markets            •  RM338 millions in profits paid to depositors   •  Introduced digital
                                                    and investment account holders          procurement system for
                                                   •  Disbursed up to RM3.9 billion of      easier tracking and better
                                                    disbursement to household sector with   transparency
     Through Our Business Activities, We:           RM2.2 billion in new personal financing and   •  Awarded tenders to vendors
                                                    more than RM150 million                 that align their businesses
        Deliver products and financial solutions    for purchase of vehicle financing       with VBI values
        that cut across critical areas as well as   •  Launched iTEKAD Mawaddah
        penetrating new untapped markets by        •  Financial assistance packages included
        harnessing digital technologies                                                    Local Community
                                                    Enhanced Targeted Relief Payment,
        Expand products and diversifying customer   Enhanced Financing Payment             •  Disbursed RM18.6 million
        base in order to be the preferred provider of   Assistance, Financial Management &   under wakaf projects for
        investment solutions                        Resilience Programme (URUS) and Financial   healthcare, education and
                                                    Resilience Support Scheme (FIRST)       the investment sector
        Maintain, optimise and invest in our       •  Launched Online Deposit Account (ODA)   •  Expansion of our Jariah
        operations including technology, marketing    application through MAP               Fund which launched 16
        and infrastructure                         •  Enhancement of Muamalat Application   programmes
                                                    Platform (MAP) and continuous          •  Flood relief assistance
        Deliver exceptional customer services to    improvement in mobile apps,            •  RM93,000 funds disbursed
        optimise customer experience at all times   Retail Internet Banking (RIB) and Corporate   as training fee for
                                                    Internet Banking (CIB)                  entrepreneurs for the
        Empower local communities we serve in
                                                                                            iTEKAD Mawaddah
        building more resilient and thriving                                                programme
        communities                                Shareholders
                                                   •  Steadfast performance aligned to
        Strengthen our base by complying with all
                                                    strategy, which recorded:              Employees
        regulatory requirements and ensure high
        commitment for risk and compliance          -  9.5% Return on Equity               •  Distributed RM240 million in
                                                    -  0.96% Return on Assets               remuneration for employees
        Identify ideal approaches to sustainability,   -  17.31% total capital ratio       •  Launched a new HR system
        innovation and leadership in order to be    -  0.83% of gross financing impaired ratio  for easier access to manage
        recognised as a socially responsible bank                                           training progression, payroll
                                                                                            information, benefits, and
                                                   Regulatory Agencies & Statutory Bodies   leave entitlements
                                                   •  Compliance with regulatory requirements   •  Provided free vaccines/
                                                   •  Relentless commitment in driving VBI   booster for those who have
                                                   •  Assist in producing the sectoral guide for   not completed their doses
                                                    the Construction and Infrastructure Sector   yet
                                                   •  Continuous support of BNM’s initiatives   •  Provided career
                                                    including financial assistance and micro   development plan
     Integrity  Innovative  Service                 financing                               framework and
                          Oriented                 •  Contribute to domestic banking and    apprenticeship programmes
                                                    economic growth

       Our shared values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Innovative   Our employees are essential assets, and we seek to create a work environment that is
       and Service-Oriented have become our trademark in   inspiring, healthy and welcoming to allow our employees to develop professionally and
       serving our stakeholders                    empower them to work effectively in line with our mission
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