Page 50 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
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                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE



                                                                              We  strive  to  enhance  our  risk  analysis  and
                                                                              response  by  understanding  issues  that  are
             At Bank Muamalat, risk identification, analysis                  material to the business and our stakeholders.
             and mitigation have been continuously                            Here, we outline the principal risks within our
                                                                              operating environment and define the ways in
             practiced as key components in building and
                                                                              which  they  could  affect  Bank  Muamalat  and
             executing our business and sustainability                        how we manage these risks.

                        Description and Impact of the risk     How We Manage or Mitigate         Link to Material Matter
            Type of Risk
                                on the Bank                           the Risk                      and/or Strategy
           Credit Risk  The risk of financial loss if a customer   •  Enhance key risk indicators to monitor emerging credit risk and   •  Ethics and Integrity
                       or counterparty fails to meet its   provide early warning signals         •  Economic Performance
                       obligations. It is the primary source of   •  Ongoing review, enhancements and monitoring of risk appetite  •  Entrepreneur
                       risk to the Bank.          •  Enhance and tighten risk acceptance criteria  Development and
                                                  •  Ongoing monitoring on collaterals, guarantees and risk limits  Responsible Financing
                       This risk may impact the Bank’s   •  Conduct periodic stress testing and scenario analysis   •  Customer Experience
                       profitability, asset quality, liquidity and   •  Diversify into new market segments   •  Financial Inclusion
                       reputation.                •  Streamline and enhance credit risk policies  •  Digital Banking

           Market Risk  The risk of losses in on- and    •  Develop hedging strategies against adverse price movements  •  Ethics and Integrity
                       off-balance sheet positions resulting   •  Enhance monitoring in market risk limits  •  Economic Performance
                       from movements in market rates,   •  Enhance monitoring of key risk indicators to better track risk   •  Financial Inclusion
                       foreign exchange rates, equity   exposures and provide early warning signals  •  Digital Banking
                       and commodity prices, which may   •  Ongoing review, enhancements and monitoring of risk appetite
                       adversely impact earnings and capital   •  Diversification in pricing strategy
                       positions.                 •  Conduct periodic stress testing and scenario analysis
                                                  •  Streamline and enhance market risk policies
                       The risk may present an impact on the
                       Bank’s profitability, liquidity and capital.
           Rate of     The risk of variability of assets and   •  Develop hedging strategies against adverse price movements  •  Ethics and Integrity
           Return Risk  liabilities arising from volatility of   •  Enhance monitoring in market risk limits  •  Economic Performance
                       market benchmark rates, impacting   •  Enhance monitoring of key risk indicators to better track risk   •  Financial Inclusion
                       portfolios both in the trading and   exposures and provide early warning signals
                       banking books. Such changes may   •  Ongoing review, enhancements and monitoring of risk appetite
                       adversely affect both earnings and   •  Diversification in pricing strategy
                       economic value.            •  Conduct periodic stress testing and scenario analysis
                                                  •  Enhance risk strategies and monitoring in Asset and Liabilities
                       The Bank’s capital, liquidity and   Management
                       profitability may be impacted by the   •  Streamline and enhance Rate of Return Risk policies
           Liquidity Risk  The risk of inability to fund any   •  Enhance liquidity limits and strategy to manage and optimise   •  Ethics and Integrity
                       obligation on time as they fall due,   liquidity position                 •  Economic Performance
                       whether due to increase in asset or   •  Enhance monitoring of key risk indicators to better track risk   •  Financial Inclusion
                       demand for funds from depositors.   exposures and provide early warning signals  •  Digital Banking
                       This ability has a serious implication on   •  Enhance Liquidity Contingency Funding Plan to manage liquidity
                       reputation and continued existence.  crisis
                                                  •  Ongoing monitoring of liquidity crisis early warning signals
                       The risk could impact the Bank’s   •  Ongoing review, enhancements and monitoring of risk appetite
                       capital, liquidity, profitability and   •  Diversification in pricing strategy
                       reputation.                •  Conduct periodic stress testing and scenario analysis
                                                  •  Streamline and enhance liquidity risk policies
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