Page 55 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
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            This  entails  acquiring  new  customer  segments,  the  rollout
            of  new  and  enhanced  products  and  channels.  Continuous   This entails evolving into a more nimble and low cost business
            enhancement  and  business  expansion  is  ongoing  for  both    model through technology and human capital transformation,
            Retail and Business Banking.                           to  improve  efficiency,  increase  business  opportunities  and
                                                                   deliver superior customer experience.
            Expansion of Retail Banking
                                                                   Business  Process  Re-engineering  initiatives  focused  on
              More information in Our Performance - Retail Banking, pages 55 to 61  consumer  and  business  banking  process  improvements  to

                                                                   shorten service delivery turnaround time. This is accompanied
                                                                   by a more intensified focus on Human Capital Transformation
            Given  the  need  to  balance  opportunities  with  strong  asset
                                                                   through   structured   programmes   that   ensure   talents
            quality,  business  expansion  on  this  front  is  directed  towards
                                                                   are  equipped  with  the  right  skills  and  receive  upskilling
            widening  our  scope  in  the  Affordable  Home  Financing
                                                                   programmes that enable them to perform effectively in their
            Programme, while targeting better rated customer segments
                                                                   roles  and  adopt  future  ready  capabilities  to  enable  digital
            for Personal Financing. A special financing solution for the top
                                                                   ready workforce.
            20%  income  bracket  (“T20”)  has  been  introduced  to  anchor
            the  personal  financing  business  with  high  quality  assets.
                                                                   On the Technology front, a 3-year IT Strategic Plan has been
            The Bank is also focused on driving growth in Islamic wealth
                                                                   established  to  fix  current  operational  issues  and  embark
            management products by leveraging on digital platforms and
                                                                   on  new  innovative  initiatives  covering  the  areas  of
            tools  to  boost  customer  onboarding.  Retail  deposit  growth
                                                                   Digitalisation  &  Automation;  Enhanced  Regulatory  &
            is  being  driven  by  the  launch  of  the  Bank’s  new  SURIA
                                                                   Cybersecurity Compliance; and Technology Enhancement.
            investment product.
                                                                   Our Journey Ahead
            Growing Business Banking
                                                                   The  fast  changing  and  volatile  business  environment  as  well
              More information in Our Performance - Commercial,
              Transaction, Corporate Banking; pages 62, 66, 68 respectively  as  significant  evolution  of  digital  acceptance,  required  Bank

                                                                   Muamalat to recalibrate its RISE24 plan to stay relevant and
                                                                   competitive  in  the  industry.  Thus,  RISE24  has  since  been
            On the Business Banking front, introduction of new products
                                                                   revised  and  now  enables  the  foundation  for  new  strategic
            and  solutions  make  up  the  Bank's  growth  strategy.  During
                                                                   plan RISE26+ that reflects new emerging trends, threats and
            the year, Commercial Property-i, Transferable Letter of Credit
                                                                   opportunities for the Bank.
            (“LC”)  and  Fast  Track  Bank  Guarantee  (“BG”)  have  been
            added  to  our  range  of  solutions  to  fulfill  the  needs  of  our
                                                                   The  development  of  the  5-Year  Strategic  Plan  2022-2026
            non-retail  customers.  More  opportunities  in  Supply  Chain
                                                                   (“RISE26+”)  incorporates  various  factors  and  addresses  the
            Financing are being identified to expand the Bank's provision
                                                                   trends and developments impacting the industry in the near
            of  financing  across  the  business  supply  chain  covering  the
                                                                   term. These include recent market developments in Malaysia’s
            entire ecosystem of anchor companies.
                                                                   government  and  regulatory  policies  that  intensify  focus  on
            Expansion  strategy  is  also  directed  towards  targeting  high   digitalisation  and  sustainability.  New  market  intelligence  on
            impact  sectors  that  have  been  highlighted  to  benefit  under   competitors’  analysis  and  increasing  consumer  demands  are
            the  Malaysia  Budget  2022.  The  Bank  is  also  collaborating     also taken into account, as are potential business opportunities
            with  Government's  agencies  e.g.  TERAJU  for  financing   emerging  from  market  development  and  identified  gaps.
            programme  for  Bumiputera  SMEs  in  the  halal  healthcare     The  Bank’s  recent  performance,  offerings  and  capacity  for
            sector,  as  well  as  Malaysia  Automotive  Robotics  and  the   expansion also form major considerations in the establishment
            IoT  Institute  (“MARii”)  for  automotive  vendor  financing     of upcoming goals and targets.
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