Page 51 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 51


                           Description and Impact of the risk     How We Manage or Mitigate         Link to Material Matter
               Type of Risk
                                   on the Bank                           the Risk                      and/or Strategy
             Operational   The risk of loss resulting from   •  Enhance monitoring of key risk indicators to better track risk   •  Ethics and Integrity
             Risk         inadequate or failed internal   exposures and provide early warning signals   •  Economic Performance
                          processes, people and systems or from   •  Ongoing review and validation of operational risk tools, i.e. Risk   •  Procurement Practices
                          various external events. The effect may   & Control Self-Assessment (RCSA), Key Risk Indicators (KRI) and   •  Training and Education
                          extend beyond financial losses and   Incident Management & Data Collection (IMDC)   •  Customer Experience
                          may result in legal and reputational   •  Ongoing management of bank-wide operational risks and   •  Financial Inclusion
                          risk impacts.                monitoring of risk ratings                   •  Digital Banking
                                                     •  Ongoing management of business continuity strategy and plan
                          This risk could also create an impact   •  Ongoing management and monitoring of outsourcing
                          on the Bank’s profitability and ability to   arrangements and mitigation strategy
                          meet regulatory requirements as well   •  Ongoing review, enhancements and monitoring of risk appetite
                          as disrupt the Bank’s business.  •  Conduct periodic stress testing and scenario analysis
                                                     •  Streamline and enhance operational risk management policies and
             Shariah      The risk that arises from failure to   •  On-going Shariah review         •  Ethics and Integrity
             Non-Compliance   comply with the Shariah rules and   •  Continuous monitoring & reporting of Shariah non-compliances  •  Economic Performance
             Risk         principles as determined by the   •  Enhance monitoring and tracking of Shariah non-compliance risk   •  Customer Experience
                          Shariah Committee (SC) of the Bank   exposures via risk tools i.e. Key Risk Indicators, Risk Control    •  Financial Inclusion
                          and relevant Shariah regulatory   Self-Assessment and Incident Management and Data Collection
                          councils or committees.    •  Ongoing review, enhancements and monitoring of risk appetite
                                                     •  Conduct periodic stress testing and scenario analysis
                          This risk creates regulatory, profitability   •  Streamline and enhance Shariah risk management policies and
                          and reputation impacts.      procedures
             Technology and   Risk arising from Technologies   •  Establish and operationalize new Technology Risk Management   •  Ethics and Integrity
             cybersecurity   vulnerabilities which could result   Framework (TRMF) and Cyber Resilience Framework (CRF)  •  Economic Performance
             risk         in financial loss, disruptions to   •  Develop and implement IT & Cybersecurity Strategic Plan in   •  Financial Inclusion
                          infrastructure, operations and/or   alignment with business requirements and adherence to BNM’s Risk   •  Customer Experience
                          reputational harm. Cybersecurity risk   Management in Technology (RMiT) policy  •  Digital Banking
                          is the probability of loss of customer   •  Foresight by gathering FI threat intelligence through identifying,
                          information and banking records due   managing and addressing relevant technological and cyber risks
                          to cyber threat or attack.  •  Strengthen cyber resilience level and monitor sustainability of
                                                       technology and cybersecurity controls
                          This risk creates regulatory, profitability   •  Ongoing review, enhancements and monitoring of risk appetite
                          and reputation impacts as well as
                          disrupt the Bank’s business.

             Strategic Risk  The risk of unexpected adverse   •  Ongoing review, enhancement and monitoring of the business   •  Ethics and Integrity
                          developments in the Bank’s   strategies, risk appetite and capital planning process  •  Economic Performance
                          performance stemming from   •  Conduct periodic stress testing and scenario analysis  •  Customer Experience
                          fundamental strategic and business   •  Ongoing review, enhancements and monitoring of risk appetite and   •  Financial Inclusion
                          decisions and their execution.  business performance                      •  Digital Banking
                                                     •  Perform competitive analysis on industry and market benchmark
                          The risk may present impacts to
                          the Bank’s profitability, capital and
             Reputational   The risk of loss arising from negative   •  Ongoing monitoring of Bank’s risk rating  •  Ethics and Integrity
             Risk         perception of the Banks’s image   •  Build and protect goodwill           •  Economic Performance
                          by conduct or business practice   •  Institutionalize and monitor risk and compliance culture  •  Customer Experience
                          which adversely impact profitability,                                     •  Financial Inclusion
                          operations or shareholder value.                                          •  Community
                          The Bank’s reputation, liquidity, capital                                 •  Employment
                          and profitability may be impacted by                                      •  Training and Education
                          this risk.                                                                •  Diversity and Equal
                                                                                                    •  Procurement Practices
                                                                                                    •  Digital Banking
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