Page 56 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 56

                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE



                                    Sustainable   Islamic Bank    Next        High          Promote Value Based
             RISE26+ has            Shareholder   for All     Generation and   Performing   Intermediation
             outlined 5             Returns                   Agile Banking   Organisation  and Sustainability
             Aspirations and
             will be supported
             by 8 Strategic         Strategic Thrusts
                                    Accelerate   Islamic Bank    Drive        Customer
                                    Business     for All      Sustainability  Centricity

                                    Innovation   Operations   Strengthening    High Performing
                                                 Efficiency   Our Foundation  Organisation

          Moving forward with RISE26+, the Bank intends to grow and differentiate itself from other competitors through transformative
          initiatives supported by the continuation of RISE24 initiatives which serves as the foundation and pillars for the new plan. It aims
          to accelerate growth by transforming the existing core business of Retail Banking and Corporate Banking whilst diversifying its
          income portfolio through the new growth engines of Transaction Banking and Commercial & SME Banking.

          In delivering topline growth, Retail Banking will be expanding its market based on geographical and customer segments using
          diverse product strategies, and aiming to deliver innovative products and services by enabling Retail Digital Banking.

          For Corporate Banking, the objective is mainly to rebalance the portfolio, especially long-term financing based products, as well
          as provide better and more unique customer offerings. Besides focusing on growing the Transaction Banking business, focusing on
          working capitals solution, targeting clients from the State Government and agencies as well as depositors of non-retail segment,
          our Commercial & SME Banking will also play their role by focusing on market penetration based on region and preferred sectors.

          Being an Islamic bank that upholds Maqasid Shariah principles, the Bank aims to become a 'complete' Islamic bank that caters
          for  all,  both  Muslims  and  non-Muslims.  The  misconception  that  Islamic  bank  is  only  for  Muslims  has  grown  our  commitment
          to converge the fulfillment of Islamic needs with solutions suitable for all types of customers, regardless of race, religion and age.
          Being  part  of  the  Committee  of  Practitioners  (“CoP”)  of  Value-Based  Intermediation  by  BNM  and  GABV,  we  continue  to  be
          committed  towards  our  sustainability  initiatives.  Besides  working  towards  integrating  environment,  social  and  governance
          considerations into the operations and business decisions at the Bank, we also aim to commercialise sustainability and mainstream
          VBI by emphasising the cascading impact of Social Finance whereby investment and profit sharing offerings can empower unserved
          and underserved segments.

          We are also focusing on the climate risk management following the issuance of Climate Change and Principle-based Taxonomy
          (“CCPT”) guidance by BNM. The guidance document is part of commitment of the central bank to prepare the financial sector
          to be more resilient and to enable an orderly transition to a greener economy.
          The  solid  foundation  of  RISE24  initiatives  anchor  these  plans.  These  encompass  customer  centricity  in  providing  customer
          experience,  enabling  digital  banking,  improving  operational  efficiency,  strengthening  foundation,  governance  and  control
          functions as well as evolving into a high performing organisation.
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