Page 57 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 57




               Contribution to Bank’s

               RM706.7 million

                                                     RETAIL BANKING
                Retail Banking,                      Economic recovery in 2021 was slow globally, as the emergence of COVID-19

                previously known as                  variants led to reimposition of restrictions in many countries, including Malaysia,
                                                     throughout  the  year.  However,  despite  the  uncertainties  and  continued
                Consumer Banking                     pandemic  challenges,  the  Bank’s  Retail  Banking  Division  ended  the  financial
                prior to September                   year 2021 (FY2021) with RM706.7 million in revenue, up from RM604.8 million
                                                     in  FY2020.  Profitable  growth  was  achieved  through  expansion  of  offerings
                2021, provides financial             in  the  Division’s  core  businesses  of  mortgage  financing,  personal  financing,

                services to individual               auto  financing,  ASB  financing,  Ar-Rahnu  financing,  wealth  management,  and
                consumers and also
                                                     It  continued  to  be  an  important  year  for  the  Bank’s  Muamalat  Application
                deposit services to                  Platform  (“MAP”)  and  other  non-face-to-face  (“NFTF”)  activities.  MAP  was
                individuals and small                introduced back in October 2020 in response to the evolving market conditions
                                                     and  customer  behaviour,  and  to  facilitate  online  financing  submissions  for
                business entities.                   customer on-boarding outside business premises. More financing applications
                Acquiring deposits,                  were generated through this platform right after the enhancement of the MAP
                                                     project  to  all  retail  financing  products.  Due  to  the  reimplementation  of  the
                increasing digitalisation            Movement Control Order (“MCO”) enforced by the government in mid-2021,
                initiatives, improving               the NFTF transactions resulted in fee and commission income rebounding by
                                                     24% or RM8.3 million. A total of 10,117 financing applications were submitted
                productivity, controlling            through MAP in 2021, with a total ticket size of RM1.28 billion.
                costs, managing asset
                                                     Good  progress  was  also  made  on  Value-Based  Intermediation  ("VBI"),
                quality, and expanding               which  is  promoted  by  BNM  to  match  Islamic  finance  business  models
                                                     with  Shariah's  goal  of  generating  beneficial  and  long-term  impact  on  the
                our client base are the
                                                     economy,  community,  and  environment.  VBI  principles  are  the  anchors  of
                highest priorities for               the  Bank’s  value-creating  approach  and  product  creation  process.  Through
                                                     products and services that are relevant to our customer segments' needs for
                retail banking.
                                                     inclusive  growth,  Bank  Muamalat  aspires  to  contribute  to  the  real  economy
                                                     while  also  meeting  societal  demands  and  benefitting  the  environment
                                                     through a growing focus on green financing and social finance.
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