Page 61 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
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                             4%                                    to  better-rated  customers  (i.e.  salaries  over  RM5,000,  T20/
                                                                   M40, and high-income professionals). The Bank will also work
                                                                   to  increase  its  penetration  rate  in  high-growth  areas  such
                             Vehicle Financing’s representation of
                                                                   as  new  passenger  vehicles,  light  commercial  vehicles,
                             Retail Banking Division’s Total Financing
               Vehicle       Assets.                               and  big-bike  motorcycles.  Launching  of  new  and  innovative
               Financing                                           products such as step-up financing models will also be part of
                                                                   the product line-up in 2022. On the VBI front, penetration into
                                                                   electrical and hybrid vehicles will be a key initiative in 2022.
            Performance Review
            The Division’s Vehicle Financing sales performance in FY2021      Vehicle Financing Outstanding (RM Billion)
            was  lower,  as  forecasted,  due  to  COVID-19  repercussions.
            Sales  dropped  by  9.8%  Y-o-Y  from  FY2020  and  total    0.78  0.69   0.58     0.55     0.62    0.63
            disbursement was reduced to RM156.8 million.
            The  implementation  of  MCO  2.0  affected  vehicle  sales
            performance  and  volumes.  Consumer  sentiments  and
            business  confidence  was  cautious  in  2021,  impacting  the                                  +1.6%
            automobile industry.
            This  was  exacerbated  by  fierce  competition  among  motor   2016  2017  2018   2019     2020    2021
            vehicle  financiers  to  put  pressure  on  price,  resulting  in
            continued  strain  on  profit/interest  margins.  Furthermore,
            supply  chain  issues,  caused  by  disruptions  in  global  chip       2%
            supply and closure of car manufacturing factories, contributed
            to a prolonged inventory shortage of personal vehicles during
                                                                                    Ar-Rahnu’s representation of Retail
            the  year.  All  these  affected  the  Division’s  vehicle  financing
                                                                                    Banking Division’s Total Financing Assets.
            business in FY2021.                                       Ar-Rahnu
            The  market  challenges  required  the  Division  to  re-strategise
                                                                      (Pawn Broking-i)
            its  approach  to  sustain  business  opportunities  within  the
            new car segment where a further extension of the sales and
                                                                   Ar-Rahnu  brought  in  revenue  of  RM30.3  million  supported
            service  tax  (“SST”)  exemption  on  the  sales  of  completely
                                                                   by  financing  assets  amounting  to  RM272.6  million,  which
            knocked  down  (“CKD”)  and  completely  built  up  (“CBU”)
                                                                   represented  2%  of  the  Bank’s  total  assets  in  FY2021.  Total
            cars for FY2021, helped increase demand.
                                                                   disbursement was RM293.9 million, a drop of 49% compared
            As  national  cars  made  up  over  86%  of  all  vehicle  financing   to FY2020.
            assets,  the  Bank  has  approved  special  financing  packages
            for the Proton X50 and Proton X70, which include amended    The Bank’s Ar-Rahnu business has emerged as a viable solution
            price rates and financing margins of up to 100%. To enhance   for  resolving  short-term  cash  flow  issues,  particularly  in
            the non-national car category, competitive rates and financing   the  micro,  small,  and  medium-sized  business  sectors.
            margins  of  up  to  100%  were  provided  for  selected  Honda   However,  as  the  business  is  primarily  operated  through
            models.                                                67  branches  across  the  country,  the  MCO-enforced  branch
                                                                   closures  significantly  impacted  operations  in  2021  as
            Responsive  strategies  will  continue  to  be  practiced  going    customers  were  unable  to  conduct  Ar-Rahnu  financing
            forward  into  2022.  Focus  will  be  directed  on  improving    business.  The  economic  climate  has  also  had  an  impact  on
            customer  profile  by  offering  new  special  packages    consumer  confidence  and  attitude.  The  volatility  of  gold
            for  national  and  non-national  automobiles  for  chosen    prices in 2021 leads to cautious customer sentiments toward
            popular  models,  including  new  and  reconditioned  cars,    pawning their gold.
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