Page 64 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 64

                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE



                                        Bank Muamalat’s Commercial Banking Division
                                        (“CMBD”) manages the Bank’s Commercial and SME
             Revenue                    financing customers, primarily non-public listed companies
             RM57.5 million
             95% Increase Year-on-Year  and small & medium-sized enterprises. The products and
                                        services offered include long and short-term financing

                                        such as working capital financing, asset financing,
                                        project financing as well as trade financing. As at
                                        31 December 2021, CMBD managed RM1,215 million
             Contribution to Bank’s
             Revenue                    in assets of which 73% was for Commercial financing
             5.1%                       customers and 27% was for SME financing customers.

                                                                Performance Review
                                                                Though  MCO  restrictions  have  become  a  hindrance  to  the
                                                                planned  programmes  during  the  year,  CMBD  managed  to
                                                                coordinate several initiatives under strict economic conditions
                                                                during  the  pandemic.  These  included  programmes  with
                                                                Malaysia  Automotive  Robotics  and  IoT  Institute,  the  Bank’s
                                                                Vendor  Financing  programme  and  Klinik  Pusrawi  Rakaniaga
                                                                licensing programme.

                                                                The  pandemic  obstacle  also  saw  CMBD  initiating  new
                                                                channels  of  engagements  such  as  working  closely  with
                                                                vendors  to  secure  direct  referrals,  scheduling  virtual
                                                                roadshows  and  engaging  with  existing  customers  to  defend
                                                                the  utilisation  of  working  capital  lines.  Through  these
                                                                programmes  and  initiatives,  CMBD  sustained  its  normal
                                                                practice  of  offering  tailor-made  solutions  to  customers  and
                                                                continued to grow its asset base.

                                                                The higher growth of revenue by 95% was relatively driven by
                                                                the increase in assets. The increase in PBT was hampered by
                                                                the increase in the provision for credit loss. However, CMBD
                                                                managed to chalk up an impressive growth of PBT of RM19
                                                                CMBD’s  outstanding  exposure  on  triple  bottom  line  sector
                                                                (“TBL”)  activities  increased  by  37%  to  RM1,090.83  million
                                                                (from  RM796.17  million).  Financing  extended  to  the  SME
                                                                segment accounted for 53% of the total TBL and the highest
                                                                growth  increase  by  100%  was  recorded  for  the  Preserving
                                                                Natural Environment category.
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