Page 66 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 66

                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE


          Assets by Segment
               Commercial              SME                   Total
               (RM Million)          (RM Million)         (RM Million)

             818.3    884.4       154.8    330.3        973.1   1,214.7

                 Growth               Growth                Growth
                  8.1%                113.4%                24.8%

             Dec 20   Dec 21      Dec 20   Dec 21      Dec 20   Dec 21

          Triple Bottom Line Sector (TBL)
                             Platform for raising
           Preserving Natural   community standard   Education    Hospitals and        SME               Total
             Environment         of living       (RM Million)    Medical Equipment   (RM Million)      (RM Million)
             (RM Million)                                          (RM Million)
                               (RM Million)
             -      34.9     396.1    475.8    1.4      1.0      5.5      4.6     393.2    574.5    796.2   1,090.8

               Growth            Growth            Growth           Growth            Growth            Growth
                n/a              20.1%             -28.6%            -16.4%            46.1%            37.0%

           Dec 20   Dec 21  Dec 20   Dec 21   Dec 20   Dec 21   Dec 20   Dec 21   Dec 20   Dec 21   Dec 20   Dec 21

          For  CMBD’s  commercial  segment,  priority  has  been  placed   redeployment  in  order  to  minimise  costs.  The  Division  has
          to  ensure  that  the  sign  of  the  deterioration  of  asset  quality   also  collaborated  with  branches  that  will  communicate  to
          for  each  customer  is  monitored  and  analysed  well  in   the  SME  Department  on  customers’  needs  and  preferences.
          advance.  This  is  due  to  the  uncertain  economic  conditions     Additionally,  a  learning  session  with  the  Regional  Approving
          that continues to prevail for certain sectors of the economy.     Center (“RAC”) and Credit Assessment Department (“CAD”)
          To  this  end,  Account  Managers  are  tasked  to  conduct     on  business  credit  analysis  and  assessment  was  conducted
          aggressive daily monitoring to detect early signs of threat to     during  the  year,  whereby  23%  of  staff  has  attended  at  least
          the asset position for them to report and to act.     one  training  session  on  credit  matters  and  all  staff  have
                                                                attended at least two training sessions on other related skill
          As a participating bank for BNM Fund programme financings
                                                                and knowledge-building sessions.
          such as SRF, PTF and TRRF, the SME segment is focused on
          securing  sufficient  qualified  staff  with  relevant  knowledge,
          capabilities  and  experience  to  do  credit  processing  on  SME
          cases.  To  date,  staff  size  has  been  expanded  via  internal
   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71