Page 70 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
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                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE



                                                  CORPORATE BANKING
             Bank Muamalat’s                      As  at  end  of  2021,  CBD  managed  in  excess  of  RM5.5  billion  in  financing
                                                  assets  with  30%  of  the  financing  assets  granted  to  the  Financial  and
             Corporate Banking
                                                  Insurance/Takaful  sector;  20%  to  Real  Estate  sector;  15%  to  Manufacturing
             Division (“CBD”)                     sectors and 13% to Wholesale & Retail Trade sector.
             manages the Bank’s                   Performance Review

             corporate profile
                                                  For  the  past  four  years,  the  Bank’s  Corporate  Banking  Division  (CBD)  has
             customers, looking into              recorded an average growth of 4% (approximately RM190 million). The drop
                                                  in CBD assets of RM415 million compared to FY2020 was mainly due to the
             their financing needs
                                                  impact of the recalibration exercise which involved the bulk of financing assets
             and monitoring the                   being transferred to the Commercial Banking Division. The drop in assets reflect
                                                  lower  trade  transactions  when  businesses  categorised  under  non-essential
             end-to-end process
                                                  goods or services were temporarily closed during the MCO.
             of providing business
                                                  Another  challenge  encountered  by  Bank  Muamalat  during  FY2021,  was  the
             financing to the                     procurement  of  optimum  manpower.  This  was  mitigated  through  the  timely
             customers. CBD focuses               recruitment  and  sourcing  of  talents,  an  improved  remuneration  package  to
                                                  retain  identified  performing  staff,  and  a  coaching  programme  with  module
             on good quality assets               endorsed by HCD and CBD.
             with good payment                    Faced with competition in securing working capital facilities (ie Trade, MRF and
             capability in order                  MCash  facilities)  utilisation  from  customers  for  year-end  assets,  the  Division
                                                  embarked  on  aggressive  marketing  on  low  utilisation  rate  customers  to
             to maintain low Non-                 boost assets. Competitive pricing was offered to secure utilisation from these
             Performing Assets while              customers.

             growing the division’s               Additionally, there was also the issue of a high scheduled payment of RM403
             profit.                              million in FY2021, which was partly mitigated by steps such as:
                                                  •  Quick  response  to  customer’s  complaints  and  requirements  to  ensure  a
                                                     consistent  relationship,  thus,  minimising  competition  from  other  financial
                                                     institutions in terms of product offering, rates and services.

                                                  •  Improved  turnaround  time  and  timely  approval,  especially  on  special
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