Page 58 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
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                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE


                                                                customer  segments,  enhanced  payment  monitoring  process,
                            Revenue (RM Million)
                                                                as well as improved collection initiatives paid off. Asset quality
           611.6    655.4   645.2    512.4    604.8    706.7    grew more robust with impaired financing ratio reducing from
                                                                1.14% to 0.81%. As a result, Retail Banking remains the major
                                                                contributor  to  the  Bank’s  asset  portfolios  with  total  assets
                                                                of RM14.04 billion.
                                                                This  spells  well  moving  forward  as  there  were  concerns  that
                                                                the introduction of another six-month moratorium to financing
                                                                customers  in  July  2021,  in  line  with  the  Government’s  Pakej
           2016     2017     2018     2019    2020     2021     Perlindungan  Rakyat  dan  Pemulihan  Ekonomi  (“PEMULIH”),
                                                                could  result  in  a  lack  of  cash  for  the  core  responsibilities  of
                         Financing Income (RM Million)          financing and investing.
           575.1    620.2   599.8    476.0    608.7    658.3
                                                                Retail Banking’s impaired financing ratio for
                                                                FY2021 (FY2020: 1.14%)

                                                                            Financing Asset Outstanding (RM Billion)
                                                                  9.7      9.8      9.4     10.2     11.8    14.04
           2016     2017     2018     2019    2020     2021

                         Fee Based Income (RM Million)

           36.6     35.2     45.4     36.4    35.0     43.3                                             +19.0%

                                                                  2016    2017     2018     2019     2020     2021

                                                                          Financing Outstanding by Product (RM Million)

                                                                                      272.6  103.6
           2016     2017     2018     2019    2020     2021
                                                                                      (2%) (1%)
                                                                             1,081.4                6,236.4
          Market Review                                                                             (44%)
          Though BNM's decrease of the Overnight Policy Rate (“OPR”)
          during the pandemic led to an environment of reduced profit
          rates  for  the  banking  industry,  it  has  boosted  borrowing/           Total Financing
          financing  behaviour  by  indirectly  helping  clients  pay  less  for       Outstanding
          their borrowing/financing.                                                  RM14,040.8 Mil

          Double-digit  financing  growth  was  maintained  for  the  year.
          As  of  December  2021,  total  retail  financing  outstanding
          increased by 18.9%, or RM2,236.9 million, to RM14.04 billion.     5,712.9
          Financing  income  increased  by  7%  to  RM658.3  million,  and
          accounted for 72% of the Bank's overall financing income in            Mortgage        ASB
          FY2021.  In  addition,  the  continued  focus  on  higher-rated       Personal Financing    Ar-Rahnu
                                                                                Vehicle          Others
   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63