Page 48 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 48

                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE

          OUR MATERIAL

                                                     How We Define Them                           Relevant Topics

           Digital Banking     •  Exploring digital transformation and building internal capability for greater   •  Digital Banking
                                 customer experience, accessibility and efficiency               •  Customer
                               •  Technological development and digitisation of financial services to assist   Experience
                                 customers in their banking needs and to also expand our customer base,   •  Financial Inclusion
                                 from various medium of communication

           Energy Consumption   •   Energy consumed in various forms (such as fuel, electricity, water etc) for   •  Energy
           and Environmental     Bank’s operations                                                Consumption and
           Impact              •   This is to see if the Bank efficiently manages its natural resources and if the   Environmental
                                 Bank has conducted any activity (for the community and the Bank) to help   Impact
                                 improve the environment

           Community           •  Empowering communities through development programmes that create   •  Community
           Development           positive impact                                                  Development
                                                                                                 •  Responsible
                                                                                                 •  Procurement
           Customer            •   Customer service performance and initiatives taken by the organisation to   •  Digital Banking
           Experience            improve service delivery whilst maintaining compliance with existing laws   •  Customer
                                 and regulations regarding customer confidentiality               Experience
                               •   Enjoyable, reliable and memorable customer journey whilst managing the   •  Financial Inclusion
                                 right balance between digital and traditional approaches
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