Page 45 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 45


 Stakeholder Group  Engagement Platform  Stakeholders Expectations  Response To These Expectations  Relevant Material Matters
 Shareholders &   •  Annual reports  •  Sustainable and long term business strategy that resulted to sustainable financial   •  Implement 5-year business strategic plan for long term sustainable growth  •  Economic Performance
 Investors  •  Sustainability statements  returns with prudent cost management   •  Re-prioritise strategies to adapt to the vulnerable market landscape due to the pandemic  •  Responsible Financing
 •  Quarterly financial announcements  •  Proactive management of asset quality and credit risks from exposure to sector   •  Appointed Board and senior management with vast experiences and knowledge   •  Digital Banking
 •   Online communications (e-mail,   affected by the pandemic  •  Continuous integration of VBI practices in products and services  •  Energy Consumption and
 corporate website, social media)  •  Sound balance sheet management  •  Transparency in corporate reporting and disclosure through multiple platforms  Environmental Impact
 •  Meetings/discussions (upon   •  Integration of VBI elements in business operations  •  Realign risk appetite and financing strategies to curb impact to the Bank due to pandemic  •  Ethics and Integrity
 request)  •  Ethical and responsible business conduct
 •  Strong and experienced management
 •  Transparent reporting and disclosure
 •  Initiatives to mitigate effects of the pandemic

 Customers  •  Branch representatives   •  Innovative financial solutions in products and services offered  •  Innovate offerings to address customers’ financial needs   •  Economic Performance
 •  Digital touchpoints: internet   •  Convenient, continuous and safe access to banking services during the pandemic  •  Enhance touch points, physical or digital, to maximise customers’ satisfaction   •  Digital Banking
 banking, digital apps  •  Value-for-banking products and services that is both competitive and transparent  •  Improve processes to deliver operational excellence  •  Ethics and Integrity
 •  Online communications (e-mails,   •  Secured and safe environment to conduct banking activities especially through   •  Drive service excellence via skilful and trained customer services personnel  •  Entrepreneur
 corporate website, social media  digital channels with strict customers data protection   •  Enhance end-to-end cyber response and simulation plan to ensure cyber resilience and continuously enhance    Development
 •  Customer service centres  •  Excellent customer service   IT security                     •  Responsible Financing
 •  Call centres  •  Financial assistance that can ease their financial burden  •  Continuous awareness via online communication and digital touchpoints to educate customers and employees    •  Financial Inclusion
 •  Customer networking events  on awareness of potential fraud, scam etc                     •  Customer Experience
 •  Printed materials  •  Implement strict SOPs to ensure customers’ safety at branches
 •  Customers’ survey   •  Extend assistance (financial reliefs, moratorium, etc) to ease impact of the pandemic on the customers
 Business Partners  •  Online communications (e-mail,   •  Fair and equal evaluation of vendors and their proposals  •  Support local vendors   •  Procurement Practices
 corporate website, social media)  •  Communicate fair conditions that satisfies both suppliers and the Bank’s needs  •  Provide convenient access to procurement systems  •  Economic Performance
 •  Formal & informal engagements
 •  Communicate new policies, guidelines or strategy to ensure optimal performance   •  Conduct engagement sessions to ensure vendors’ understanding on the procedure, processes, guidelines,   •  Digital Banking
 •  e-Procurement system  expectations of deliverables and its quality
 •  Transparent reporting and disclosure to ensure smooth collaboration with                  •  Ethics and Integrity
 potential partners  •  Conduct engagement sessions to ensure fair practices and vendor outsourcing is transparently done
     •  Establish dedicated tender committee to ensure the engagement achieved its objective fairly
 Regulatory Agencies  •  Regular updates and reporting to   •  Compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements  •  Continuous update on our system and processes to meet current compliance and risk requirements  •  Economic Performance
 & Statutory Bodies  regulators  •  Good corporate governance  •  Effective compliance delivery, risk management and governance to meet regulatory requirements  •  Responsible Financing
 •  Actively participation in regulatory   •  Transparent reporting and disclosures  •  Integrate VBI elements into risk management practices  •  Ethics and Integrity
 forums, briefings, meetings,
 conferences and consultation   •  Participation and contribution to industry and regulatory working group  •  Timely and transparent reporting to regulatory agencies and statutory bodies  •  Energy Consumption and
 papers  •  Active participation in VBI working group – producing sectoral guide                Environmental Impact

 Local Community  •  Community engagement activities  •  Financial and VBI literacy awareness  •  Collaboration with various state religious councils and continuous engagement with government agencies to   •  Community Development
 •  Online communications (e-mails,   •  BMMB efforts in tackling on common social, economic and environmental issues   address the needs of the local communities  •  Energy Consumption and
 corporate website, social media)  •  Providing feasible and convenient access to advisory on suitable financial   •  Engage with communities by conducting community programmes catered to their level of needs  Environmental Impact
 •  Digital touchpoints (mobile apps,   solutions   •  Promote access to advisory on suitable financial solutions via digitalisation
 internet banking, SMS blasts)  •  BMMB role in building resilient and thriving community  •  Extend financial relief assistance
 •  Printed materials  •  Continuous corporate social responsibility initiatives

 Employees  •  Internal portal and emails  •  Fair remuneration, recognition and effective performance management  •  Enhance delegation of tasks and address the need to improve employees’ performance  •  Employment
 •  Employee dialogue sessions with   •  Balanced work-life environment  •  Constant employee remuneration   •  Diversity and Equal
 CEO  •  Various opportunities for career development and advancement  •  Strengthen our learning and career development programmes to equip the employees with essential skills for   Opportunity
 •  Annual engagement survey  •  An empowering environment that embraces diversity and enables employees to   them to be at par with other peers in the industry  •  Training and Education
 •  Social and recreational activities  deliver quality work output  •  Conduct employee engagement and employee satisfaction surveys  •  Ethics and Integrity
 •  Regular employee engagement   •  A safe, healthy and conducive workplace supported by flexible work practices  •  Develop a career development plan framework and apprenticeship programme
 events and programmes
 •  Meetings and roadshows
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