Page 42 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
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                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE

          MARKET AND

          The Financial Sector Blueprint 2022-2026 which was released   Another  factor  that  would  impact  local  businesses  and  the
          earlier this year could further supplement the current banking   economy  is  the  Prime  Minister's  recent  announcement
          infrastructure  and  was  critical  to  for  the  financial  sector  to   regarding the minimum wage for employees being raised from
          navigate  the  oncoming  challenge  and  opportunities  and  in   RM1,200 to RM1,500 a month, with effect from May 1, 2022.
          turn, complement the 12MP. The 5-year blueprint that outlines   A higher wage structure will result in an increase in disposable
          the vision and strategies for the development of the nation’s   income  for  the  B50  group,  as  well  as  boost  the  economy,
          financial sector focuses on the key expected outcomes including   due  to  the  increase  in  wages  resulting  in  higher  consumer
          advancing  digitalisation  of  the  financial  sector,  providing   spending.
          diverse choices and access for consumers, vibrant and dynamic
                                                                The  performance  of  Malaysia’s  banking  sector  is  expected
          funding  ecosystem  to  address  Malaysia’s  economic  needs,
                                                                to improve due to the reopening of the economical sectors,
          wider  adoption  of  VBI  and  smooth  transition  of  green
                                                                with  experts  strongly  believing  that  banks  will  chart  an
                                                                estimated financing/loan growth of 5% this year (2021: +4.5%).
           Source: Economic Planning Unit - 12  Malaysian Plan 2021-2025,   The banking system’s gross impaired financing/loan (GIF/GIL)
           Ministry of Finance - Economic Outlook 2022
                                                                ratio could rise to 2.5% by end-2022 (end-2021: 1.4%), while
                                                                the  funding  and  liquidity  profiles  of  banks  are  expected  to
          However,  2022  will  also  be  a  year  of  high  input  costs  and
                                                                remain supportive of new lending/financing.
          demand, with headline inflation projected to average between
          2.2%  and  3.2%.  Underlying  inflation  is  expected  to  average   Banks’  underlying  asset  quality  will  unfold  when  the  bulk  of
          between 2.0 to 3.0%, trending higher.                 relief under the PEMULIH stimulus programme expires in 1H
                                                                2022,  while  capital  buffers  will  stay  robust.  The  uplift  from
          The existing price control measures and the continued spare
                                                                transitional arrangements will taper off this year.
          capacity in the economy are expected to be key factors that
          contain upward pressure on prices. Nevertheless, the inflation
                                                                Additionally,  the  Monetary  Policy  Committee  (MPC)  of  Bank
          outlook  remains  subject  to  commodity  price  developments
                                                                Negara  Malaysia  decided  to  increase  the  Overnight  Policy
          that may arise from the military conflict in Ukraine as well as
                                                                Rate (OPR) by 25 basis points to 2.00% on 11 May, which will
          ongoing  supply  chain  disruptions.  It  is  also  contingent  on
                                                                increase monthly instalment rates. At the same time, the ceiling
          domestic policy measures on administered prices.
                                                                and floor rates of the corridor of the OPR are correspondingly
                                                                increased to 2.25% and 1.75% respectively.
          In  line  with  the  endemic  phase  and  the  further  easing  of
          restrictions,  investment  activity  and  prospects  have  also
                                                                 Source: 2022 Monetary Policy Statement - Bank Negara Malaysia
          improved, underpinned by the realisation of multi-year projects
          and  a  positive  growth  outlook.  Despite  these  positive  signs,
          there are still potential risks that may hinder growth, with some
          of  the  prominent  threats  including  a  weaker-than-expected
          global  growth,  further  escalation  of  geopolitical  conflicts,
          worsening  supply  chain  disruptions,  and  the  unpredictable
          development of COVID-19.
           Source: 2022 Monetary Policy Statement - Bank Negara Malaysia
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