Page 134 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 134

                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE


            communicated to the Board.                          ii.  Board Meetings and Access to Information

            The following categories of assessments were embedded   Directors  are  given  due  notice  of  proposed  meetings,
            into the 2021 BEE questionnaires:                      allowing Directors to lock in their timings, and for advance
                                                                   planning.  The  detailed  Agendas  and  the  detailed  Board/
            •  Board Assessment  to  assess  amongst  other  the
                                                                   Committee  meeting  materials  are  shared  and  uploaded
               Board’s  structure,  size,  composition  (mix  of  skills,
                                                                   electronically prior to Board/Board Committees meetings.
               experience  and  competency),  quality  of  information,
               deliberation  and  decision  making  including  how    The  Board  meets  every  month  with  additional  meetings
               Directors challenge matters discussed.              convened  as  and  when  urgent  issues  and/or  important
                                                                   decisions are required to be made between the scheduled
            •  Individual  Directors’  Assessment   (including     meetings.  Scheduled  Board  meetings  are  structured  with
               Independent  Directors)  to  assess  amongst  others  the   certain pre-set agenda.
               respective  Directors’  ability  to  critically  challenge  and
               ask the right questions, character and integrity in dealing   Directors can participate in Board and Committee meetings
               with potential conflict of interest situations, commitment   in person, or via virtual platforms such as Zoom or Teams.
               to  serve  the  Bank  with  due  diligence  and  integrity,   During  the  MCO  and  recovery  MCO,  Directors  utilised
               critical and vigilant in offering alternative points of view,    digital means to participate in meetings. Virtual meetings,
               fit  and  properness  and  independence  of  the    digital  means,  and  use  of  technology  were  implemented
               Independent Directors including level of independence   successfully during the year.
               in exercising his/her judgment and ability to act in the
               best interest of the Bank.                          Minutes of the meetings, together with a summary of the
                                                                   action  items  are  circulated  to  all  members  of  the  Board
            •  Board Skill Set Assessment to assess amongst others   prior to meetings.
               the Board’s leadership and strategy, legal and regulatory
                                                                   At  each  meeting,  the  Board  receives  updates  from
               requirements,   banking   and   finance,   corporate
                                                                   the  respective  Chairmen/representatives  of  the  Board
               governance, Shariah governance, risk management and
                                                                   Committees  on  matters  that  have  been  deliberated  at
               internal controls, accounting and financial reporting and
                                                                   the Board Committees, as well as on matters that require
               operational management.
                                                                   Board’s  attention.  Other  Heads  of  Division  and  external
            •  Board   Committee    Effectiveness  Assessment      advisers may be invited to attend the meeting to advise the
               (including  Shariah  Committee)  to  assess  amongst    Board  on  certain  matters  under  discussion.  Directors  will
               others,  the  Committees’  Structure  (size,  composition    have the opportunity to discuss specific areas with them and
               and  member  classification),  quality  of  information,    where relevant, challenge the ideas presented. The Chief
               deliberation  and  decision  making  including  how   Financial Officer attends all Board meetings by invitation,
               members  challenge  matters  discussed,  accountability   while  the  relevant  Senior  Management  Officer  of  Bank
               and  responsibilities  and  effectiveness  of  the  Board   Muamalat  are  invited  to  attend  Board  meetings  to  brief
               Committee including its terms of reference, processes   and provide details to the Directors on recommendations
               and reporting line.                                 or reports submitted to the Board.

            •  Individual Board Committee Members’ Assessment      The  PCEO  and  Head  of  Business,  Operations,  Support
               (including  Shariah  Committee)  to  assess  amongst    and  Control  functions  provides  an  update  on  the  Bank’s
               others the Committees’ dynamics and participation and   business  and  operations,  regulatory  and  compliance
               Fit and Proper criteria.                            updates as well as a macro perspective on industry trends
                                                                   and developments. The Chief Financial Officer presents the
                                                                   financial  performance  and  significant  financial  highlights.
                                                                   All important deliberations, decisions and conclusions are
                                                                   recorded in the Board meetings’ minutes.
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