Page 136 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
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                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE


                Shariah  Structured  Training:  Shariah  Principle  and   any breach of ethics as described in the CoBC, conflict of
               Essential  Business  Contracts  in  Islamic  Banking  and   interests,  bribery  and  corruption,  anti-money  laundering/
               Finance                                             combating  the  financing  terrorism,  and/or  any  fraudulent
                MyFintech  Week  2022  Sustainability  Challenge   act as may be described in Bank Muamalat’s Anti Bribery
               Accelerator                                         Code system and other relevant documents.
                SC-FIDE FORUM Dialogue: Capital Market Masterplan      In light of the requirements stipulated under the BNM CG
               3                                                   and the CA 2016, Bank’s Whistleblowing Policy, established
                BNM-FIDE FORUM Dialogue with Tan Sri Nor Shamsiah   by the Board provides a secure reporting avenue via the
               binti Mohd Yunus, Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia  Ethics Hotline for employees and third parties, who have
                Ask An Expert Webinar - Board Composition & Dynamics  knowledge  or  are  aware  of  any  improper  conduct  or
                                                                   unethical  behaviour  including  suspected  fraud,  bribery,
                Cybersecurity Oversight in the Boardroom
                                                                   corruption and criminal activity.
          v.  Ethical Business Conduct and Whistle Blowing
             The  Board  promotes  good  corporate  governance  culture
            to ensure that Bank Muamalat conducts its business with   Remuneration of Directors and Senior Management
            integrity, in an ethical and transparent manner.
                                                                The  Board  has  delegated  to  the  BNRC  the  responsibility  to
             To  this  end,  the  Board  has  established  the  Code  of    oversee  and  recommend  the  structure  of  the  remuneration
            Business Conduct (“CoBC”). The CoBC sets out the conduct   policy  and  frameworks  for  the  Directors  and  Senior
            expected of all directors, employees and third parties     Management. Bank Muamalat’s Remuneration Policy has been
            doing  business  with  Bank  Muamalat.  The  CoBC  outlines,   developed to attract and retain Directors and management of
            inter  alia,  Bank  Muamalat’s  procedures  relating  to    the calibre needed to spearhead Bank Muamalat.
            non-discrimination,  whistleblowing,  Bank  Muamalat’s
            assets  and  properties,  confidential  information,  personal   The remuneration structure for Non-Executive Directors takes
            data  protection,  insider  trading,  fraud,  conflict  of    into  consideration  the  relevant  factors  including  function,
            interests,  bribery  and  anti-corruption.  Bank  Muamalat’s   workload, responsibilities and time spent for the preparation
            directors  and  employees  affirm  their  commitment  to  the   for the Board and Board Committee meeting. It comprises fees,
            CoBC.                                               meeting allowance and benefits in kind. A premium is given to
                                                                the Chairman of the Board and Board Committees in view of
             The  CoBC  has  recently  been  enhanced  to  include   his/her additional role in guiding and managing the Board and
            fundamental   principles   on   Competence,   Integrity,    Board Committees.
            Fairness,  Confidentiality  and  Objectivity  which  shall  be
            consistently applied across Bank Muamalat. This is to align   In  line  with  good  corporate  governance  practice,  the
            the  CoBC  with  the  requirement  of  Professional  Code  for    Remuneration  Policy/structure  shall  be  reviewed  every  three
            the  financial  services  industry  developed  by  Financial   (3) years or as and when BNRC or the Board deem necessary.
            Services  Professional  Board  (“FSPB”);  relevant  points
                                                                The  remuneration  for  the  Non-Executive  Directors  is  subject
            in  mitigating  rapid  changes  resulting  from  Industrial
                                                                to annual approval by the shareholders.
            Revolution 4.0 (IT devices utilisation, social media usages
            and  cyber  security);  and  new  items  from  relevant  Acts,
                                                                The PCEO’s Corporate Scorecard and  key senior management's
            regulatory  requirements  and  Guidelines  amongst  other,
                                                                Key Performance Indicators are reviewed and tracked by the
            the Adequate Procedures in relation to Corporate Liability
                                                                BNRC on an annual basis.
            pursuant  to  subsection  (5)  of  Section  17A,  Malaysian
            Anti-Corruption Commission (“MACC”) Act 2009.        The aggregate emoluments received by the Directors of the Bank
                                                                 during the financial year ended 31 December 2021 are disclosed in
             Bank  Muamalat  has  zero  tolerance  on  any  conduct  that   Note 35 from page 268 of the Audited Financial Statement for the
                                                                 financial year ended 31 December 2021.
            constitutes a wrongdoing or malpractice which may include
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