Page 135 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
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               Management  receives  the  Board’s  guidance,  takes  note   iv.  Training and Development of Directors
               of  the  comments  and  feedbacks  from  the  Directors  and
                                                                      The  Board  has  taken  steps  to  ensure  that  its  members
               provides agreement with the Directors on proposed actions
                                                                      have ongoing access to appropriate continuing education
               to be taken, including the decisions.
                                                                      programmes  and  reasonable  budget  has  been  allocated
               Outside  Board  meetings,  Board  approvals  for  matters  in   for  the  programme.  Directors  are  encouraged  to  attend
               the ordinary course of business can be obtained through    talks, briefings, workshops and utilise online learning tools,
               written  resolutions.  Ad-hoc  meetings  are  held  when   reading materials and trainings on areas that would benefit
               necessary.  Directors  have  direct  access  to  Senior   them in their roles and responsibilities.
               Management  and  may  request  for  additional  information
                                                                      All Directors of Bank Muamalat are required to register for
               from  them.  Directors  have  access  to  the  Company
                                                                      the director’s core training programme under the Financial
               Secretary at all times.
                                                                      Institutions  Directors’  Education  Programme  (“FIDE”)
            iii.  Board Induction and Succession Planning             within a year and Islamic Finance for Board within two years
                                                                      upon his/her appointment.
               On  appointment,  each  new  Director  will  undergo  an
               on-boarding exercise. This will expedite the familiarisation   All  Board  members  have  attended  and  completed  the
               process  for  new  Directors  with  the  environment  that   Director’s Core Training Programme under FIDE within the
               the  Bank  operates  in,  the  Bank’s  business  strategy  and   period stipulated under the Director’s Training Policy of the
               operations. On appointment to the Board, all Directors will   Bank. In line with the MCCG 2021 recommended practice,
               need to attend an induction programme which is tailored    the  Company  Secretary  facilitates  the  orientation  of  new
               to the new Director’s requirement.                     Directors and assist in directors’ training and development.

               The said session will be organised as soon as practicable   A summary of training courses attended by the Directors
               not later than three months upon the appointment of the   during the financial year are listed below:
                                                                         Islamic Finance for BOARD (“IF4BOD”)
               All  new  Directors  are  required  to  attend  the  programme     FIDE Elective Programme: RMiT & Digital Transformation
               or other similar sessions that may help him/her achieve the
                                                                         Briefing Session "Seksyen 17" with SPRM
               intended  outcome  as  soon  as  possible,  once  appointed.
               The  Company  Secretary  also  facilitates  the  induction  of      FIDE  Forum  Dialogue  on  the  Future  of  Malaysia's
               newly approved Directors.                                Financial Sector
                                                                         JC3 Flagship Conference 2021
               The BNRC is responsible for developing succession plans
                                                                         BNM-FIDE FORUM Dialogue on RMiT Implementation
               and to identify and recommend candidates for the Board
                                                                         Structured  Shariah  Training:  Regulatory  Framework
               to  ensure  that  the  Board  is  made  up  of  directors  with
               appropriate  skills,  experience,  expertise  and  diversity.    and  Legal  Issues  for  Islamic  Financing  &  Legal
               The  BNRC  also  oversees  the  appointment  and         Documentations
               succession planning for key Senior Management.            Shaping  the  future  of  FI  board  leadership  -  Invitation
                                                                        to  FIDE  FORUM's  engagement  session  on  Board
                                                                        Leadership Framework
                                                                         Raising Defences: Section 17A, MACC Act
                                                                         KPMG-US  Forced  Labor  Legislation:  Impact  on
                                                                        Corporate Malaysia
                                                                         Business  Continuity  Management  (“BCM”)  Awareness
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