Page 132 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
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                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE


          ii.  Re-election of Directors                         DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY

            Clause  76  of  Bank  Muamalat’s  Constitution  provides    i.  Separation of Chairman and PCEO
            among  others,  that  one-third  of  the  Directors  for  the
            time being or, if their number is not three or a multiple of    The roles of the Chairman and PCEO are clearly separated,
            three,  then  the  number  nearest  to  one-third,  shall  retire   and  the  Chairman  was  not  previously  a  PCEO  of  Bank
            from office. The Directors to retire shall be the Directors   Muamalat.  The  Chairman  is  responsible  for  providing
            who shall have been longest in Office. A retiring Director   leadership to the Board to facilitate the Board in carrying
            shall be eligible for re-election, and shall act as a Director   out  its  responsibilities  effectively  while  the  PCEO,
            throughout the meeting at which he/she retires.        is  primarily  responsible  for  the  management  of  day-to-
                                                                   day  business  operations  in  line  with  the  strategy  and
            Clause 62 of Bank Muamalat’s Constitution provides among   key performance indicators set by the Board.
            others,  that  the  Directors  shall  have  power  from  time  to
            time  and  at  any  time  to  appoint  additional  Directors,    The detailed roles and responsibilities of the Chairman and
            provided that the total number of Directors shall not exceed   PCEO can be found in the Charter.
            the  prescribed  maximum.  A  Director  so  appointed  shall
                                                                   The Management committee helps the PCEO to manage
            retire  from  office  at  the  next  Annual  General  Meeting
                                                                   the  Group’s  operations  in  term  of  setting  performance
            (“AGM”), but shall be eligible for re-election.
                                                                   targets,  implementing  the  Group  strategy,  monitoring
            Iwan Rashman Gulamoydeen and Md Khairuddin Hj Arshad   key  objectives  and  commercial  plans  to  help  achieve  the
            retired by rotation in accordance with Clause 76 of Bank   Group’s targets; and evaluating new business initiatives and
            Muamalat’s  Constitution  and  being  eligible,  had  offered   opportunities.
            themselves for re-election.
                                                                ii.  Board Committees
            In  respect  of  the  new  appointments  to  the  Board
                                                                   There  are  five  (5)  Board  Committees  established  by  the
            for  the  Financial  Year,  Roshidah  Abdullah  and  Mohd
            Razlan  Mohamed  retired  at  the  AGM  in  accordance
            with  Clause  63(2)  of  Bank  Muamalat’s  Constitution,   •  Board Nomination and Remuneration Committee
            and  being  eligible,  had  offered  themselves  for
                                                                   •  Board Audit Committee
                                                                   •  Board Risk Management Committee
            All  retired  Directors  named  above,  through  the  Board   •  Board Compliance Committee
            Effectiveness   Evaluation   including   Self   and   Peer
                                                                   •  Board Veto Committee
            Assessment,  have  met  the  performance  criteria  required
            of an effective and high-performance Board.            These  Committees  play  a  significant  role  in  reviewing
                                                                   matters  within  their  respective  Terms  of  Reference
          iii.  Tenure of Independent Directors
                                                                   and  support  the  Board’s  discharge  of  its  duties  and
            The tenure of an Independent Director is capped at nine   responsibilities,  and  in  keeping  the  Board  efficient.
            years and the nine years can either be a consecutive service   Each of the Committees has specific Terms of Reference,
            or  a  cumulative  service,  with  intervals  or  upon  expiry  of    scope  and  authority  to  review  matters  tabled  before  the
            the prevailing term as approved by BNM, whichever is the   Committee  prior  to  decision-making  by  the  Board  as  a
            later date.                                            whole.  Membership  of  these  Committees  is  reviewed  as
                                                                   and when required, with specific emphasis on updates in
            As of the date of this report, none of the INEDs has served   governance requirements and efficiency of the Committees.
            the Board for more than nine years.
                                                                   All  Committees  comprise  minimum/at  least  three  (3)
                                                                   Directors  with  majority  of  Independent  Directors  and
                                                                   comprised  Directors  who  have  the  skills,  knowledge  and
                                                                   experience relevant to the responsibilities of the respective
                                                                   Board Committees.
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