Page 129 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
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            c.  Policy Document on Corporate   GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE
               Governance  issued  by  BNM
               (“BNM CG”)

            d.  Policy  Document  on  Shariah                                  Board
               Governance (“PDSG”)                            Board of       Committee                    Management
                                              Shareholders                                    PCEO
                                                              Directors     and Shariah                    Committee
            e.  Malaysian  Code  on  Corporate                              Committees
               Governance issued by Securities
               Commission  Malaysia  (“MCCG

            f.  Relevant   requirements   as              Company Secretary
               outlined  under  the  respective
               guidelines  by  BNM  and  other
                                                               Accountability                  Empowerment/Delegation
                                             Board Risk    Board Audit   Board Nomination   Board   Board   Shariah
                                            Management     Committee  and Remuneration   Compliance   VETO   Committee
                                             Committee                Committee    Committee    Committee

                                                          Limits of Authority Manual sets out authorisation limits for the PCEO, Management
                                                          Committees,  Management  and  matters  requiring  Board/Board  Committee’s
                                                          review/ approval.
     Board Compliance Committee (“BCC”)
     Provides  oversight  and  advice  to  the  Board  and  Management
     in  respect  of  the  management  of  compliance  risk,  including    PRESIDENT/CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (“PCEO”)
     AML/CFT, bribery and corruption.
     Also  evaluates  the  adequacy  and  effectiveness  of  the  Bank’s   The PCEO manages the day-to-day business operations in line with the strategy
     overall  management  of  compliance  risk,  having  regard  to  the   and key performance indicators set by the Board. The key responsibilities of the
     assessment of senior management and internal audit as well as   PCEO are to:
     the Regulatory Advisory and Compliance Division. Recommends   • Develop the strategic direction of the Bank;
     improvement  needed  to  the  Board,  and  assesses  emerging   •  Ensure  that  the  Bank’s  strategies  and  corporate  policies  are  effectively
     compliance and AML/CFT concerns.                      implemented;
     Board Veto Committee (“BVC”)                         •  Ensure  that  Board  decisions  are  implemented  and  Board  directions  are
                                                           responded to;
     Reviews financing and/or investment proposals approved by the
     Credit Committee (“CC”) based on the limits determined by the   •  Provide direction in the implementation of short and long-term business plans;
     Board. In the event of modification of the terms and conditions,   •  Provide strong leadership that effectively communicaties a vision, management
     the appeal has to be reverted to the Board Veto Committee.  philosophy and business strategy to the employees;
                                                          •  Keep the Board fully informed of all important aspects of the Bank’s operations
                                                           and ensure sufficient information is distributed to Board members.

                                                          MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE
                                                          The Management Committee helps the PCEO to:
     line with Shariah. Ensures that the products of the Bank comply   • Set performance targets
     with Shariah principles.
                                                          •  Monitor  key  objectives  and  commercial  plans  to  help  achieve  the  Group’s
     Further details on Shariah Committee can be found on pages 116   targets
     to 118 of the Annual Report.                         • Implement Group strategy
                                                          •  Evaluate new business initiatives and opportunities
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