Page 131 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 131



            i.  Appointment and Re-appointment of Directors
               The Bank is governed by the BNM CG in respect of the appointment of new Directors and the re-appointment of the existing
               Directors upon the expiry of their respective tenures of office. All appointments and re-appointments of Directors are subject
               to the approval by BNM.

               The primary responsibility of assessing the candidate for new appointment or existing Directors for re-appointment has been
               delegated to the BNRC. The BNRC also ensured the candidate/Director satisfy the relevant requirements on the skills and
               core competencies of a director and is deemed fit and proper to be appointed/re-appointed as Director in accordance with
               the Fit and Proper criteria as prescribed by BNM. BNRC will then recommend the appointment or re-appointment, as the case
               may be, for approval by the Board.
               All  Directors  exceeded  the  requirements  set  out  in  the  Charter  in  terms  of  attendance,  demonstrating  their  commitment
               and  dedication  in  fulfilling  their  duties  and  responsibilities.  The  Directors  have  also  complied  with  the  BNM  CG,  i.e.  the
               requirement of attendance of at least 75 per cent. The attendance of the respective Directors at meetings of the Board and
               Committees held in 2021 are provided below:

                Name of Directors                      Board       BAC       BNRC       BRMC       BVC        BCC

               Tan Sri Tajuddin Atan                    13/13
               Tan Sri Che Khalib Mohamad Noh           13/13                 6/6                  8/10
               Dato' Ibrahim Taib l                     13/13                           12/12                  4/4

               Iwan Rashman Gulamoydeen                 13/13     11/12       6/6

               Ghazali Hj Darman 1                       7/7       6/6        4/4        7/7        6/6       3/3
               Md Khairuddin Hj Arshad l                12/13     12/12       4/4       12/12      10/10      4/4
               Johari Abdul Muid l                      13/13     12/12       6/6       12/12      10/10
               Roshidah Abdullah l                       4/4       4/4        2/2                             1/1
               Mohd Razlan Mohamed l                     4/4                  2/2        3/3        2/2
               1  Ceased to be a member and Chairman of BAC on 19 June 2021. Resigned as Director, and as member of BNRC and BVC on 21 July 2021
                 Ceased to be Chairman, and member of BNRC on 24 August 2021. Appointed Chairman of BAC on 21 July 2021 until 17 December 2021.
               3  Appointed as Chairman of BNRC on 25 August 2021
               4   Appointed as Director, and as member of BNRC on 1 September 2021. Appointed as member of BAC on 1 September 2021 and became Chairman on
                18 December 2021
               5   Appointed as Director and as member of BNRC on 1 September 2021. Appointed as member of BVC on 1 September 2021 and became Chairman on
                19 January 2022

               l Chairman of Board Risk Management Committee (“BRMC”)
               l Chairman of Board Nomination & Remuneration Committee (“BNRC”)
               l Chairman of Board Audit Committee (“BAC”)
               l Chairman of Board Veto Committee (“BVC”)
               l Chairman of Board Compliance Committee (“BCC”)
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