Page 128 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 128

                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE



                                              The  Board  recognises  the  vital  importance  of  a  sound  governance
                                              culture  to  the  continued  success  of  the  Group.  Our  core  values
             Bank Muamalat                    underpin  our  governance  culture  and  emphasise  the  behaviours  that  will
             Malaysia Berhad                  enable  Bank  Muamalat  to  continue  to  succeed  in  what  we  do.  The  governance
                                              framework is designed to ensure that the Board, led by the Chairman, is able to
             (“Bank Muamalat”)
                                              monitor  the  sustainability  of  the  business  model,  performance  against  strategy
             is firmly committed              and opportunities and threats as they arise. When reviewing performance against
             to high standards of             strategy, the Board looks to ensure it continues to align with the Group’s culture
                                              and delivers long-term success to the Group and its stakeholders.
             corporate governance
                                              OUR GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK
             and maintaining a
             sound framework                  Our  governance  framework  takes  guidance  based  on  the  following  key  statutory
                                              provisions and best practices:
             for the control and
             management of the                a.  Companies Act 2016 (“CA 2016”)
             Group’s business.                b.  Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 (“IFSA 2013”)

          BOARD RESERVED           BOARD OF
                                                             BOARD COMMITTEES
          MATTERS                  DIRECTORS

                                   Source of Authority/      Board Nomination & Remuneration Committee (“BNRC”)
                                   Roles and Responsibilities
                                   specified in:             Provides a formal and transparent procedure for the appointment and remuneration
                                                             of  directors,  PCEO  and  members  of  Shariah  Committee  as  well  as  assessment
                 Capital and       •  Board Charter          of  effectiveness  of  the  Board  as  a  whole,  Shariah  Committee  members  and
                 Finance                                     performance of PCEO and key senior management officers.
                                   •  Bank’s Constitution
                                                             Board Audit Committee (“BAC”)
                 Terms of          •  Terms of References
                 Reference          of each of the Board     Ensures  the  adequacy  and  integrity  of  system  of  internal  controls  and  financial
                                    Committees               reporting,  compliance  with  internal  policies,  procedures  and  external  applicable
                                                             rules and regulations. The PCEO and Chief Internal Auditor attend all BAC meetings
                 Delegation of     •  Companies Act 2016     as permanent invitees to facilitate deliberation of the issues discussed.
                 Authority         •  IFSA 2013
                                                             Board Risk Management Committee (“BRMC”)
                                   •  BNM Policy Documents   Responsible  to  oversee  Management’s  activities  in  managing  all  risks  namely
                 Appointment        and other applicable     credit, market, liquidity, operational, legal and other risks and to ensure that the
                                    regulatory requirements
                                                             risk  management  process  is  in  place  and  functioning.  The  BRMC  is  assisted  by
                                                             the PCEO, Chief Risk Officer, and Chief Compliance Officer who also attend the
                 Contracts and                               meeting as permanent invitees.

                                                             SHARIAH COMMITTEE
                 Governing                                   Advises the Board and Management, including the Bank’s subsidiaries and provides
                 Meetings                                    input to the Bank on Shariah matters in order for the Bank to comply with Shariah
                                                             principles at all times. Endorses Shariah policies and procedures prepared by the
                                                             Bank and ensures that the contents do not contain any elements which are not in
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