Page 139 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 139




            The Shariah Committee was established in accordance with the   iv.   Endorse and validate relevant documentations
            requirements of the IFSA 2013, which prescribed the setting
                                                                       To  ensure  that  the  products  of  the  Bank  comply  with
            up of a Shariah body to ensure the Bank conducts its affairs
                                                                       Shariah principles, the Shariah Committee must approve:
            in accordance with Shariah principles. Members of the Shariah
            Committee  are  scholars  renowned  for  their  knowledge  and
                                                                       a.   the  terms  and  conditions  contained  in  the  forms,
            experience in Shariah and Fiqh Muamalat.
                                                                           contracts, agreements or other legal documentations
                                                                           used in executing the transactions; and
            The  Shariah  Committee  is  guided  by  its  Terms  of  Reference
            which  sets  out  amongst  others,  the  primary  duties  and
                                                                       b.   the product manual, marketing advertisements, sales
            responsibilities  of  the  Shariah  Committee,  the  authority  and
                                                                           illustrations  and  brochures  used  to  describe  the
            conduct  of  the  Shariah  Committee  meetings.  The  Terms
            of  Reference  are  governed  by  the  Central  Bank  Act  2009,
            IFSA 2013 and the Policy Document on Shariah Governance   v.   Assess  work  carried  out  by  Shariah  review  and  Shariah
            (“Laws and Regulations”).                                  audit
            Duties,  Responsibilities  &  Accountability  of  the  Shariah      To  assess  the  work  carried  out  by  Shariah  review  and
            Committee are as follows:                                  Shariah audit in order to ensure compliance with Shariah
                                                                       matters  which  forms  part  of  their  duties  in  providing
            i.   Responsibility and accountability
                                                                       their  assessment  of  Shariah  compliance  and  assurance
                                                                       information in the Annual Report.
                The Shariah Committee is expected to understand that in
                the course of discharging the duties and responsibilities
                                                                   vi.  Assist related parties on Shariah matters
                as  a  Shariah  Committee,  the  members  must  be  in
                accordance with Laws and Regulations in respect of duties      The related parties of the Bank such as its legal counsel,
                and obligations of the Shariah Committee members, and   auditor or consultant may seek advice on Shariah matters
                responsible  and  accountable  for  all  Shariah  decisions,   from the Shariah Committee and the Shariah Committee
                opinions and views provided by them.                   is  expected  to  provide  the  necessary  assistance  to  the
                                                                       requesting party.
            ii.   Advise  to  the  Board  and  the  Bank  including  the  Bank’s
                subsidiaries                                       vii.  Shariah Advisory Council, Bank Negara Malaysia

                The Shariah Committee is expected to advise the Board      The Shariah Committee may advise the Bank to consult
                and the Management, including the Bank’s subsidiaries,   the  Shariah  Advisory  Council  of  Bank  Negara  Malaysia
                and provide input to the Bank on Shariah matters in order   (“SAC”) on Shariah matters that could not be resolved.
                for the Bank to comply with Shariah principles at all times.
                                                                   viii.  Provide Written Shariah Opinions
            iii.  Endorse Shariah policies and procedures
                                                                       The  Shariah  Committee  is  required  to  provide  written
                The  Shariah  Committee  is  expected  to  endorse  Shariah   Shariah opinions in circumstances where the Bank makes
                policies  and  procedures  prepared  by  the  Bank  and  to   reference to the SAC for further deliberation, or where the
                ensure that the contents do not contain any elements   Bank  submits  applications  to  the  Bank  for  new  product
                which are not in line with Shariah.                    approval.
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