Page 144 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
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                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE



          Roles and Responsibilities                            Meetings

          The BAC is established to provide structured and independent                                 Attendance
          oversight  of  the  Bank’s  governance,  risk  management,                                   of meetings
          internal control system and financial reporting. This oversight
                                                                Md Khairuddin Hj Arshad (KA)             12/12
          mechanism serves to provide confidence in the integrity and
          compliance with applicable rules, regulations and procedures.  Roshidah Abdullah (RA)           4/4
          The BAC is guided by the Terms of Reference and the Board   Iwan Rashman Gulamoydeen           11/12
          Audit  Committee  Charter  in  discharging  its  functions.  The   Johari Abdul Muid           12/12
          responsibilities of the BAC include providing the Board with
                                                                Ghazali Hj Darman (GD)                    6/6
          independent  and  objective  advice  on  the  adequacy  of  the
          Management’s arrangements on the Bank’s governance, values
          and ethics, risk management, internal control system, fraud and   Twelve  BAC  meetings  were  held  during  the  financial  year
          compliance.                                           ended 31 December 2021.

          Composition                                           The  BAC  meets  on  a  scheduled  basis  to  review  audit  and
                                                                investigation  reports  prepared  by  the  internal  auditors.  The
          The Board Audit Committee (BAC) is comprised of the following   Management of the respective audit reports were also invited
          Board members:                                        to the meetings, where required, to provide explanations to
                                                                the BAC on issues arising from the audit reviews or address any
           Md Khairuddin Hj Arshad (KA) 1                       other concerns raised by the BAC.
           Roshidah Abdullah (RA) 2                             The external auditor was also invited to the meeting to present
           Iwan Rashman Gulamoydeen                             the  audited  financial  statements,  the  Audit  Plan,  audit  and
                                                                non-audit related fees, and other relevant matters. The BAC
           Johari Abdul Muid
                                                                also reviews the financial performance reports, write-offs and
           Ghazali Hj Darman (GD) 3
                                                                related party transactions prepared by the Management.
          1  KA became Chairman of BAC on 21 July 2021 until 17 December 2021  The PCEO and Chief Internal Auditor attend all BAC meetings
          RA became a member of BAC on 1 September 2021 and became Chairman to   as  permanent  invitees  to  facilitate  deliberation  that  deems
          replace KA on 18 December 2021
          3  GD ceased to be a member and Chairman of BAC on 19 June 2021  necessary for BAC to discharge its duties. The BAC Chairman
                                                                communicated any significant concerns or issues the internal
                                                                and external auditors highlighted to the Board.
          The composition of the BAC is in line with Paragraph 12.3 (c) of
          BNM CG, which requires that the position of the BAC Chairman   Key BAC activities
          be held by an Independent Director of Bank Muamalat.
                                                                The key activities carried out by the BAC in 2021 are as follows:
          Ghazali  Darman  chaired  BAC  until  his  resignation  on
                                                                1.   Internal Audit
          19  June  2021.  Md  Khairuddin  Hj  Arshad  was  elected  to
          assume  the  Chairman  position  pending  the  appointment     i.   Reviewed  and  approved  the  Annual  Audit  Plan
          of a new Chairman with qualified accounting background.       FY2021 and its revision to ensure its relevance and
                                                                        adequate scope and coverage, agile in responding to
          Roshidah   Abdullah   was   appointed   as   member   on
                                                                        challenges in the business and operation landscape
          1  September  2021  and  as  the  new  Chairman  of  BAC  on
                                                                        and competency of internal auditors.
          18  December  2021.  She  is  a  member  of  the  Chartered
          Accountant  of  the  Malaysian  Institute  of  Accountants  since   ii.   Reviewed and deliberated the audit reports including
          1992.  She  is  also  a  Certified  Practicing  Accountant  from     recommendations and action plans by Management
          the Australian CPA.                                           for 115 auditable areas and 8 investigation reports.
                                                                        Where  necessary,  directed  the  Management  to
                                                                        implement the remedial action plans to strengthen
                                                                        the internal control system.
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