Page 148 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 148

                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE



          BOARD RESPONSIBILITY                                  iii.   Formulating  relevant  policies  and  procedures  to  manage
                                                                   these  risks  in  accordance  with  the  Bank’s  strategic  vision
          The  Board  is  committed  to  its  overall  responsibility  in   and overall risk appetite; and
          implementing  and  ensuring  a  sound  risk  management  and
          internal control system in the Bank. The Board’s responsibility   iv.   Reporting in a timely manner to the Board on any changes
          includes  reviewing  the  adequacy  and  effectiveness  of  the   to the risks or emerging risks and the appropriate actions
          risk  management  and  internal  control  system  in  identifying,   taken.
          assessing, monitoring and mitigating the risk.
                                                                RISK MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK
          The  Board  plays  a  vital  role  in  providing  risk  oversight  and
          determining  the  Bank’s  risk  appetite  to  ensuring  alignment
                                                                The Bank has implemented the Risk Management Framework
          with  the  Bank's  strategic  objectives.  The  Board  has  ensured
                                                                (RMF) to guide and streamline its risk management approaches.
          the  establishment  of  key  processes  for  reviewing  the
                                                                The  Risk  Management  Framework  provides  the  overarching
          effectiveness, adequacy and integrity of the Bank’s system of
                                                                framework that consolidates and streamlines risk management
          risk management and internal controls.
                                                                practices for all risks across the Bank.
          The  control  structure  and  process  for  financial,  operational,
                                                                The Risk Management Framework governs the way the Bank
          risk management and compliance elements which have been
                                                                identifies  and  manages  risks,  which  is  aimed  at  supporting
          instituted throughout the Bank and its subsidiaries are updated
                                                                the  business  in  embedding  effective  risk  management  in  its
          and  reviewed  from  time  to  time  to  suit  the  changes  in  the
                                                                functions and nurturing a strong risk management culture.
          business environment.
                                                                RISK GOVERNANCE
                                                                The  Bank’s  risk  governance  and  oversight  structure  outlines
          The Management is responsible for implementing all policies
                                                                the  accountabilities  as  well  as  roles  and  responsibilities  for
          and procedures established by the Board as well as identifying,
                                                                the  management  of  risk.  The  Board  plays  a  crucial  role  in
          evaluating,  measuring  and  monitoring  of  risk  exposures.
                                                                establishing a strong risk management structure and provides
          The role of the Management includes:
                                                                oversight for overall risk governance to ensure that the Bank’s
                                                                strategic objectives are supported by sound risk strategy and
          i.   Identifying and evaluating the risks relevant to the Bank’s
                                                                an effective risk management framework. To carry out its risk
            business  and  achievement  of  its  business  objectives  and
                                                                and  control  oversight,  the  Board  is  supported  by  the  Board
                                                                Risk  Management  Committee  ("BRMC")  and  Board  Veto
          ii.   Designing  and  implementing  the  risk  management   Committee  ("BVC")  to  oversee  matters  relating  to  risk.
            framework in accordance with the Bank’s strategies and risk   The BRMC updates the Board on monthly basis of  their key
            appetite;                                           deliberations and decision.
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