Page 151 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 151


            The  primary  focus  of  liquidity  management  is  to  assess   SHARIAH RISK MANAGEMENT
            all  cash  inflows  against  outflows  to  identify  any  potential
            net  shortfall  going  forward,  including  for  those  involving    Shariah non-compliance risk is defined as the risk that arises
            off-balance sheet commitments. The measurement and limits   from failure to comply with the Shariah rules and principles as
            used  to  monitor  and  manage  liquidity  risk  are  as  prescribed   determined by the Shariah Committee of the Bank and other
            under  the  BNM’s  liquidity  framework,  Liquidity  Coverage    relevant Shariah regulatory councils or committees.
            Ratio  (LCR)  and  Net  Stable  Funding  Ratio  (NSFR).  The  Bank
                                                                   Management  of  shariah  non-compliance  risk  is  guided
            has  also  commenced  on  an  upgrade  of  its  risk  system  to
                                                                   via  established  policies  and  guidelines  on  Shariah  risk
            facilitate a robust liquidity risk management.
                                                                   management as well as governance and oversight processes.
            The Bank has established a liquidity contingency plan to ensure   These include the approaches for identification and assessment
            its readiness in dealing with any potential liquidity crisis.   of Shariah non-compliance risks in business activities, products
                                                                   and services, and assessment of the effectiveness of existing
                                                                   controls  and  mitigation  plan.  Assessment  of  products,
                                                                   services and operating procedures are continuously performed
                                                                   from  Shariah  risk  perspective  and  training  and  awareness
            Operational  risk  is  defined  as  the  risk  of  loss  resulting  from
                                                                   programme  on  Shariah  risk  are  conducted  to  promote  a
            inadequate  or  failed  internal  processes,  people  and  system
                                                                   cohesive Shariah compliance risk culture.
            or from various external events. The effects of operational risk
            may extend beyond financial losses and could result in legal
            and reputational risk impacts.                         TECHNOLOGY AND CYBER RISK MANAGEMENT
            The  risk  management  framework  has  been  enhanced  to   Risk arising from technology vulnerabilities which could result
            incorporate  improvement  to  risk  and  control  assessment   in  financial  loss,  disruptions  to  infrastructure,  operations
            approaches and reporting with the inclusion more leading risk   and/or  reputational  harm  while  cybersecurity  risk  is  the
            indicators and control testing mechanism.              probability  of  loss  of  customer  information  and  banking
                                                                   record due to cyber threat or attack.
            Other mitigation actions include strengthening the first line of
            defence via continuous operational risk training and awareness   The  Bank  continuously  ensures  that  the  BNM’s  RMiT  is
            for new recruits and risk agents and increased engagements   adhered to along with various other regulatory requirements
            with the risk owners at branches and departments.      on  technology  and  cybersecurity.  The  Bank  has  established
                                                                   and  operationalized  its  Technology  Risk  Management
            BUSINESS CONTINUITY MANAGEMENT (BCM)                   Framework  and  Cyber  Resilience  Framework  to  ensure
                                                                   confidentiality, integrity and availability of information aligned
            The  COVID-19  pandemic  has  demonstrated  the  importance   with the risk profile.
            of  effective  business  continuity  management  to  ensure
                                                                   The  Bank  has  made  effort  to  safeguard  the  infrastructure
            uninterrupted  business  operations.  The  Bank’s  BCM,  which
                                                                   and  information,  whether  it  is  in  digital  or  physical  form.
            entails enterprise-wide planning, coordination and mobilisation
                                                                   This  entail  putting  controls  in  place  through  policies  and
            of  key  resources  and  processes  under  a  broad  spectrum  of
                                                                   procedures  that  comply  with  Bank  Negara  Malaysia’  RMIT,
            business  disruptions  arising  from  both  internal  and  external
                                                                   PayNet’s  requirements  and  international  best  practices.
            events,  has  enabled  the  Bank  to  respond  and  continue  to
                                                                   The Bank ensures that the controls are appropriate, effective
            operate critical business functions under various and prolonged
                                                                   and  constantly  reviewed  to  ensure  that  our  information  is
            adverse conditions.
            The BCP was prepared based on risk assessments and business
            impact  analyses  performed  on  identified  potential  threats
            to  business  functions.  Business  impact  analyses  are  used  to
            identify critical business functions and systems and to formulate
            corresponding  business  continuity  plan  and  management
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