Page 150 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
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                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE


          RISK CULTURE                                          The Bank adopts a holistic, portfolio-based risk management
                                                                approach to ensure sustainable growth and market share while
          The Board plays a key role in establishing and maintaining the   remaining within the risk appetite and established parameters.
          Bank's  risk  culture,  setting  and  continuously  reinforcing  the     Regular  portfolio  reviews  and  stress  tests  are  performed  to
          “tone at the top” and holding management accountable for     ensure appropriate and timely remedial action are initiated.
          maintenance  of  high  ethical  standards  and  effective  policies
          and practices. The Bank continues to enhance and strengthen   Several  initiatives  were  implemented  to  improve  the
          its risk management practices by reinforcing and embedding   management  of  credit  risk.  These  include  enhancements
          a  strong  risk  culture  throughout  the  organisation.  Focus  is   of  credit  risk  reports  to  facilitate  informed  decision-making
          directed  on  strengthening  risk  culture  among  all  staff  of  the   process,  development  and  calibration  of  application  and
          Bank and ensuring that they are fully aware of the risks and   behavioural  scorecards  and  strengthening  of  risk  monitoring
          their implications.                                   through  dedicated  risk  and  asset  quality  management
          The  Bank  has  established  clear  risk  policies  which  are
          continuously  communicated  and  reinforced  throughout  the
                                                                MARKET RISK MANAGEMENT
          Bank  to  cultivate  and  embed  a  robust  risk  culture.  The
          Management is committed in driving risk culture programmes
                                                                Market risk is defined as risk of losses in on and off-balance
          which  covers,  amongst  others,  reinforcement  of  shared
                                                                sheet  positions  resulting  from  movements  in  market  rates,
          values,  e-Learnings  and  engagement  sessions  with  staff
                                                                foreign  exchange  rates,  and  equity  and  commodity  prices
          throughout  the  Bank.  This  is  aimed  at  building  a  strong
                                                                which may adversely impact earnings and capital positions.
          risk  culture  that  is  embraced  by  all  employees  towards
          enhancing  customer  experience,  building  trust  and  brand     The  Bank’s  market  risk  framework  contains  policies  and
          value of the Bank for its long-term sustainability.   guidelines  on  key  risk  management  practices  such  as  risk
                                                                identification,  measurement,  mitigation,  monitoring  and
                                                                control. The market risk policies and specific limits for trading
                                                                and non-trading books were reviewed and updated to be in line
          The Bank defines its risk appetite by the amount and type of   with the latest regulatory expectation and industry practices.
          risks that it is willing to accept in pursuit of its strategic and
                                                                In view of the ongoing volatility in financial markets, the Bank
          business objectives. The Bank’s risk appetite is driven by both
                                                                undertakes periodic stress tests to assess the impact of the
          top-down  through  the  Board  leadership  and  bottom-up
                                                                movements  in  market  rates  to  the  Bank's  profitability  and
          involvement  of  the  management.  The  Board  reviews  and
          approves the Bank’s risk appetite annually and is updated on
          the status by the management on a monthly basis.
                                                                LIQUIDITY RISK MANAGEMENT
                                                                Liquidity risk is the risk of inability to fund any obligation on time
                                                                as they fall due, whether due to increase in asset or demand
          Credit risk is the risk of financial loss if a customer or counterparty
                                                                for  funds  from  the  depositors.  The  Bank  will  incur  liquidity
          fails  to  meet  its  obligations.  The  Bank  manages  credit  risk
                                                                risk if it is unable to maintain liquidity, thus resulting in serious
          through  its  framework  of  policies,  processes,  measurement
                                                                implications on its reputation and continued existence.
          tools,  methodologies,  and  an  established  reporting  and
          monitoring structure. The Credit Risk Policy (CRP) and Guideline
                                                                The  Bank’s  priority  in  managing  liquidity  risk  is  to  maintain
          to Credit Risk Policies (GCRP) document and outline the credit
                                                                a  stable  source  of  financial  resources  to  meet  its  funding
          underwriting  standards  and  credit  management  policies  and
                                                                requirements.  The  Bank  ensures  sufficient  cash  and  liquid
          guidelines. The policies are reviewed and updated regularly to
                                                                assets  are  made  available  to  meet  short  and  long-term
          ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness.
                                                                obligations through active balance sheet and funding position
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