Page 138 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
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                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE


         INTERNAL CONTROL AND RISK MANAGEMENT                   The  composition  of  the  BRMC  is  in  line  with  Paragraph
                                                                12.3 (c) of BNM CG, which requires that the position of the
         Board Risk Management Committee                        BRMC Chairman be held by an Independent Director of Bank
                                                                The  Board  has  delegated  to  the  BRMC  the  responsibility  of
           Responsible  to  oversee  Management’s  activities  in  managing     overseeing  the  effectiveness,  adequacy  and  integrity  of  the
           all  risks  namely  credit,  market,  liquidity,  operational,  legal  and     risk  management  framework  and  policies  of  Bank  Muamalat
           other  risks,  and  to  ensure  that  the  risk  management  process   and ensuring that significant risks faced by Bank Muamalat are
           is  in  place  and  functioning.  The  BRMC  is  assisted  by  the  Chief
                                                                being  managed  appropriately  to  respond  to  changes  in  the
           Executive  Officer,  Chief  Risk  Officer,  and  Chief  Compliance
                                                                business  environment.  In  addition,  BRMC  is  also  responsible
           Officer who also attend the meeting as permanent invitees.
                                                                for  overseeing  business  continuity  management  of  Bank
           Focus Areas                                          Muamalat.
           The BRMC focuses on the following:
                                                                The  Statement  on  Risk  Management  and  Internal  Control
           •  Review   the   risk   management   report   covering   provides  an  overview  of  Bank  Muamalat’s  risk  management
              market  risk,  credit  risk,  operational  risk  and  Shariah    and  internal  control  framework  as  well  as  the  adequacy  and
              non-compliance risk and emerging risk report
                                                                effectiveness of the framework.
           •  Review compliance report covering Anti-Money Laundering/
              Counter  Financing  of  Terrorism  AML/CFT,  regulatory   Board Compliance Committee
              compliance and update on new policies and regulations.
           •  Review and recommend to the Board the risk appetite setting   Roles
              for the Bank to ensure it is in line with the corporate strategy
              and direction.                                      •  To provide oversight and advice to the Board of Directors and
           •  Review and recommend to the Board the stress test scenario   Management  in  respect  of  the  management  of  compliance
              and its methodology.                                  risk, including AML/CFT, bribery and corruption.
           •  Review the implementation of the Internal Capital Adequacy   •  To  evaluate  the  adequacy  and  effectiveness  of  the  Bank’s
              Assessment Process (“ICAAP”) for the Bank.            overall management of compliance risk (such as infrastructure,
                                                                    resources  and  systems),  having  regard  to  the  assessment
           •  Review  and  deliberate  new  product/services  and  product
              programmes proposed by the business units to ensure it is in   of  senior  management  and  internal  audit  as  well  as  the
              line with the target risk profile and risk acceptance criteria for   Regulatory Advisory and Compliance Division and recommend
              the Bank.                                             improvement needed to the Board;
                                                                  •  To  review  and  assess  compliance  and  AML/CFT  emerging
           •  Review and deliberate significant business and operating risk-
              related policies of the Bank.                         concerns.

                                                                 Further details can be found on page 127 of this Annual Report




         Stakeholders play an invaluable role in building the sustainability   The Board ensures that shareholders are given sufficient notice
         of  our  business.  Bank  Muamalat  regularly  engages  formally     to consider resolutions that will be discussed and decided at
         and informally with both our internal and external stakeholders   the  General  Meetings.  The  General  Meeting  notice  includes
         through  various  touchpoints.  These  engagements  aid  us  in     details  of  the  resolutions  proposed  along  with  any  relevant
         understanding their expectations and concerns. As a constant   information and reports.
         and  easily  accessible  touchpoint,  the  corporate  website
         provides our staleholders' easy access to comprehensive and   Detailed disclosure of the Bank's engagements can be viewed on
         updated information about Bank Muamalat.                page 42.
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