Page 91 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

            These independently managed channels encourage employees   CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE
            and  members of  the public to come  forward  and  champion
            an  ethical  environment  and  professional  workforce,  without   Annual Mystery Shopper and Mystery Call Programme
            fear of leaks, loss of anonymity or reprisals.
                                                                   To understand our customer experience at branches and
                                                                   via the Bank’s contact centre, we conduct an annual
                 Bank Muamalat’s Whistleblowing Process Flow       Mystery Shopper Programme to ensure continuous efforts
                                                                   in delivering good service. Each year, through findings
                                    Start                          attained via this programme, we find ways to improve our
                                                                   weaknesses. Due to the MCO,  the annual Mystery Shopper
                                                                   Programme was conducted through Mystery Call for Contact
                                Whistleblower                      Centre for FY2020. Instead of a Mystery Shopper visit to
                      Reports via one of the reporting channels    the  branches, Mystery  Calls were made to Bank Muamalat’s
                                                                   Contact Centre covering peak and non-peak hours. A total of
                                                                   40 survey calls were made in four (4) months for the purpose
                                  KPMG                             of evaluating the performance of Call Centre Executives.
                       Evaluates the e-mail, phone call or letter
                        and decides the next course of action      The engagement was then rated and scored according to
                                                                   three (3)  key areas  of  assessment, namely,  Accessibility;  Call
                               No                                  Management; and Competency. The results were shared with
                         End        Valid                          all relevant departments and employees to ensure continuous
                                                                   delivery excellence.
                                                                   For FY2020, the average score for the contact centre increased
                             Chief Internal Auditor                2.98% from 81.18% in FY2019 to 84.16% in FY2020.
                         Reviews and instructs investigation
                                                                   Waiting Time at Branches

                                                    No             As our branches still serve as our main customer touchpoint,
                                                                   we seek to continuously improve waiting time at our branches
                                       Yes                         while strengthening  our digital presence to reduce the need
                              Investigation Team                   for our customers to visit the branch. Daily and monthly
                        Conducts investigation and reports to      monitoring of branch performance are conducted and counter
                             Board Audit Committee                 services monitored through the Queue Management System
                                                                   (“QMS”) to measure performance against the standard target
                                                                   of 80% of customers to be served within 10 minutes.
                     Notified on the outcome of the disclosure to   For FY2020, the target of customers being served within 10
                                                                   minutes rose 6% to 74% from 68% in FY2019. Our QMS
                                                                   Reports are automatically directed to respective branches so
                                                                   that the management of services can be rectified promptly.
                                                                   Complaints & Feedback Management
                        Other Enforcement Authorities
                                                                   One of key contributors to customer satisfaction is how well
                        Polis Diraja Malaysia (“PDRM”)             and how fast feedback is managed and resolved. To evaluate
                                                                   our customers’ experience, we measure the number of calls
                Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia (“SPRM”)      and  complaints received and  resolved,  as well  as the  time
                                 taken to resolve them.

                        Bank Negara Malaysia (“BNM”)
                 Bank Negara Malaysia | Central Bank of Malaysia
   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96