Page 89 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 89

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

            Staff Financing                                        people with disabilities and single mothers, local vendors
                                                                   who may have operations in rural areas, and vendors who
            Bank Muamalat offers our employees financial support   adopt environmental initiatives.
            through various  financing and  advances  as  part of  employee
            benefits and to support their attainment of a comfortable,   We are proud to declare that all vendors engaged with in
            conducive and joyful family-oriented life.             FY2020 were local. The Bank has also proactively engaged
                                                                   with vendors to better understand their business processes
            Through the Staff Sundry Financing (“SSF”) and Staff   and evaluate initiatives that are aligned with VBI.
            Structured Personal Financing (“SSPF”) employees are able to
            service  house  and  car  financing, and  Staff Bicycle  Financing   During the year, the following instances demonstrated the
            was  also introduced  to support healthy lifestyle choices.   All   Bank’s proactive favouring of VBI aligned vendors:
            employees  of  Bank Muamalat  are  entitled to  the benefits of
            staff financing at competitive rates.                  •   Employed  Koputra  Property  Care  (“KPC”)  as  our  cleaning
                                                                     services company, whereby KPC was favoured for
            Besides that, the Bank offers a Festival Advance based on   employing cleaners with disabilities.
            Qard  before  major  festive  celebrations  to  enable  employees
            in managerial positions and below, earning relatively lower   •   For  Raya  packets,  we  employed  vendors  that  use  recycled
            income, to prepare for the celebrations.                 paper and environmentally friendly ink for printing.
            In  FY2020,  a total of RM4.9 million  staff financing  was   Annual Vendor Performance Review
            approved for 133 employees, and RM1.04 million in festival   For every vendor selected, an annual vendor performance
            advance was approved for 274 employees.
                                                                   review is conducted. We achieved a 100% review in FY2020
                                                                   and  poor performing vendors  were informed  of  their service
            PROCUREMENT PRACTICES                                  gaps so that they can improve on performance.

            Fair Treatment of Vendors
                                                                   ETHICS & INTEGRITY
            The Bank’s procurement practices are consistently evaluated
            to ensure fair dealings and transparency in the process. The   Standing Against Corruption
            Bank’s Regulatory Advisory & Compliance Division (“RACD”)   The Bank adopts the anti-bribery and corruption management
            has been maintained as a member of the tender committee   process pursuant to the Guidelines on Adequate Procedure
            (for  Non-IT  related  only)  to  ensure  that  all  regulations  are   of Section 17A Corporate Liability (Amendment 2018)
            being adhered to in terms of Fair Treatment of Financial   MACC Act 2009. The Guidelines lay out the principles
            Consumers (“FTFC”) & Outsourcing. In the interest of vendor   through the acronym of “T.R.U.S.T.” (T - Top Level
            relations, we have improved our turnaround time for invoice   Commitment, R - Risk Assessment, U - Undertake
            processing  as  well  as  being transparent in  the evaluation  of   Control Measures, S - Systematic Review, Monitoring and
                                                                   Enforcement, T - Training and Communication) that can be
            Prioritising Sustainable Practices                     applied by the Bank to ensure that the Bank has a defence in
                                                                   the event an offence is committed. For each of the principles,
            To ensure our sustainable policies are adopted within the   the Guidelines provide a list of recommended initiatives and
            procurement process,  employees are trained to meticulously   the following are among the initiatives executed by the Bank
            evaluate the vendors to ensure their business practices are   in FY2020:
            aligned with our values. Prior to their appointment, we
            undertake a thorough evaluation of prospective vendors, and   •   Management  Commitment  pledges  and  statements  in
            prioritise local vendors who practice sustainability aspects.   combating corruption via Bank Muamalat’s official website
            These include vendors that empower communities such as   and Internal Communication Portal (“ICP”)
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