Page 88 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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86   BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
                                                            About Us
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020


          Uplifting the Community                               The VBI-aligned portfolio consists of the following sectors:
          As a Bank with a community focus, Bank Muamalat strives to   RM227.7              RM198.9
          make affordable financing more accessible to the underserved
          lower income groups and vulnerable sectors. This is done by   Million             Million
          actively channelling government funds and through our own   Preserving Natural    Education
          financing solutions.                                  Environment

          Efforts  to  uplift  the community  through these financing  solutions
          are detailed in our Financial Inclusion initiatives on page 102.   RM1,742.2      RM415.3
                                                                Million                     Million
          Responsible Financing Policy Document
                                                                Platform for Raising        Hospitals & Medical Provider
          During the year under review, the Bank completed the   Community Standard of
          review of our Responsible Financing Policy Document which   Living
          is in line with our practice of responsible financing. We
          frequently reviewed our policies to ensure any policy changes   RM357.0           RM337.1
          from regulators were implemented in a transparent and   Million                   Million
          prudent manner. Our employees were made aware of any
          policy change through the issuance of circulars  upon release   Promoting Healthy Lifestyles  SMEs
          of new guidelines from regulators, and training sessions.
                                                                RM1,301                     RM1,144
          Enhanced Credit Assessment
                                                                Million                     Million
          To facilitate a more objective credit assessment, the Bank
          has an internal statistical-based credit scoring system   Financing for underserved   Financing for lower income
                                                                communities i.e. army
                                                                                            groups to own their first
          which enables credit officers to better quantify the risk   personnel and pensioners  home
          involved, hence helping to determine the creditworthiness
          of financing  applicants.  The Bank also conducts  regular   RM1,090
          training to continually develop employees’ ability to make
          insightful credit judgement amid the rapidly evolving credit   Million
          management environment.                               Wealth financing towards
                                                                improving quality of life and
          Financing within VBI parameters                       preserving financial security

          The Bank ensures that new financing extended is within the
          VBI parameters towards positive EES outcomes. We intensify   On the retail financing front, alignment to VBI has  catalysed
          our focus on companies that act to enhance our environment   initiatives towards inclusive financing, affordable housing
          and contribute  to the wellbeing of communities.      and dynamic wealth creation products which are in line with
                                                                Maqasid Shariah, delivering unique proposition to satisfy our
          Total VBI financing in FY2020 constituted about RM6,813.4   customers’ personal and financial wellbeing. These financial
          million or 37.2% of total financing.                  and non-financial products are offered through expanded and
                                                                enhanced distribution channels to optimise access  and reach
          During the year, our total exposure of business financing   to underserved communities.
          aligned  with  VBI  has  increased  by  6.15%  to  RM3.28  billion
          from  RM3.09  billion,  accounting  for  53%  of  total  non-retail   As  at 31  December  2020,  total retail financing directed
          financing. All financing disbursed were in accordance with   towards the following purposes totalled RM3,535 million. This
          Shariah Governance and Shariah Risk Management policies.  encompasses  RM1,301 million worth of financing directed to
                                                                army  personnel  and  pensioners;  RM1,144  million financing
                                                                towards  helping  lower  income  groups  own  their  first  home
                                                                and RM1,090 million worth of wealth financing products
                                                                targeted towards improving the quality of life and preserving
                                                                financial security of the society across generations.
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