Page 90 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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88   BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
                                                            About Us
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020


          •   Attestation  of  “Akujanji  Bebas Rasuah” by all employees of   To  this  end,  we  have  established  a  Whistleblowing  Policy
           the Bank                                             to guide all employees, suppliers, vendors, associated
                                                                stakeholders, and customers to voice their concerns when
          •   Establishment of an Integrity & Governance Unit to initiate   they become aware of any potential wrongdoings for us
           integrity and governance engagements via (integrity.  to take swift and effective actions to maintain the support
                           and trust of the employees and stakeholders. The Policy
                                                                provides clarity on the oversight and responsibilities of
          •   Implementation  of  Corruption  Risk  Assessment  (“CRA”);
           Gift & Entertainment Policy; Anti-Bribery & Corruption   the  whistleblowing  process,  protection,  and  confidentiality
           Policy; and Vendor Code of Conduct                   afforded to whistleblowers.
                                                                The Bank is wholly committed to ensuring strict confidentiality
          •   Publication  and  distribution  of  Anti-Bribery  &  Corruption
           Handbook                                             and protection of any whistleblower’s identity from any
                                                                form of reprisal due to the disclosure. In providing further
          •   Anti-Bribery and Corruption (“ABC”) Training & Awareness   assurance, since 2010, the Bank has established a Muamalat
           Session for employees, the Management and Board of   Ethics Line - a dedicated whistleblowing channel managed
           Directors                                            by  an  independent  third  party  for  employees,  vendors,  and
                                                                customers to raise any concerns related to corruption, bribery,
          •   Rolling out of Anti-Bribery & Corruption Talk  Session   fraud or any misconducts. It provides all stakeholders an
                                                                easy access to lodge whistleblowing reports via three (3) easy
          •   Anti-Bribery  &  Corruption  Training  “Tumbuk  Rusuk”     methods:
           virtual training by external provider for all employees
          •   Virtual training and induction for new hires and Consumer
           Financing Executives (“CFE”)
          •   Ensuring  continuous  awareness  via  desktop  alerts  and
           screensaver reminders
                                                                             Hotline (Toll free)
          Enhancing Whistleblowing
                                                                             1800 88 8131
          The Bank expects the highest standard of integrity from all
          our employees and vendors.  We take a serious  view of any         Letter
          wrongdoing by any of our employees, managers, directors,           Muamalat Ethics Line, P.O. Box 8595,
          and vendors, particularly on their obligations to the Bank’s       Pejabat Pos Kelana Jaya,
          interest.  We believe  instilling  integrity among employees,      46793 Petaling Jaya
          building an ethical work environment and promoting ethical
          engagement with other parties will  help curb corruption,
          abuse of power, and malpractice from occurring within the
             Our  Whistleblowing  Policy  is  available  on  the  Bank  Muamalat’s  corporate
             website at
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