Page 87 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 87

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

            ENTREPRENEUR DEVELOPMENT                               to market financing solutions to their members. A total of
                                                                   RM121 million in financing was approved for seven (7)
            The Bank’s financing strategy is in alignment with the   co-operatives in FY2020.
            Government’s agenda to boost micro, small and medium
            entrepreneurships (“SMEs”), with the goal of meeting Budget   We also continued to empower entrepreneurs through
            2020’s target for SMEs to contribute 50% to GDP by 2030.   knowledge transfer sessions targeted to improve their
            SME  financing  has grown into  a  full-fledged department   ‘bankability’. Due to the pandemic and MCO measures
            focused on providing supportive financial solutions to help   in place throughout most of the year, these sessions were
            SMEs thrive and bring  positive economic multipliers within   marketed via social media and the actual knowledge transfer
            local communities such as more employment and raising the   sessions were conducted online to targeted co-operative
            standard of living. For SMEs, the Bank focuses on structured   members. This paves the way for more product-related social
            growth based on collaborations with identified parties   media marketing as we commit to increase our customer base
            and government  agencies to  leverage  on partly secured     for entrepreneur development related programmes.
            guarantees.  In  addition,  we  have  engaged  in  direct
            collaborations with several organisations such as GRAB,     RESPONSIBLE FINANCING
            TNB and PUSRAWI in supporting their vendors and
            business partners through financing facilities.        The  Bank is  mindful  of  the responsible  role  we  can  play to
                                                                   improve the overall quality of lives of the broader community
            The facilities made available to SMEs during the year, ranged   through our products, advisory services and relief measures.
            from Special Relief Fund, SJPP Financing Programme, Penjana
            Tourism Fund, Targeted Relief & Recovery Facility (“TRRF”),   Relief Measures & Debt Management
            and Vendor Financing Programme (“VFP”).
                                                                   In response to significant economic disruption wreaked by
            RM56.8  million  was  approved  for  TRRF  which  was  directed   the COVID-19 outbreak, the Bank offered financial relief
            towards Malaysian SMEs in services sector affected by the   measures to alleviate customers’ financial constraints. These
            reintroduction of COVID-19 containment measures since June   included up to six (6) months moratorium for the monthly
            2020. RM25.5 million has been disbursed at end-December   instalment of financing, as well as accommodating requests
            2020. Having secured approval to launch Vendor Financing   by customers to restructure and reschedule their financing.
            Programmes (“VFP”) totalling RM600 million, the Bank
            subsequently inked  MoU  agreements with Petronas and   We also proactively engage customers with financial hardship
            PERNISMA for the above VFPs, wherein the target is to serve   under the debt management programme spearheaded by
            1,552 Petronas vendors involved in direct supply and services   Agensi Kaunseling and Pengurusan Kredit (“AKPK”),
            to Petronas Group; and 658 members of PERNISMA who are   whereby customers are given the opportunity to regain
            TNB’s Bumiputra vendors. RM5.5 million worth of approvals   control of their finances with personalised payment plans. In
            have been secured, with RM5 million disbursed under the   special circumstances should customers encounter payment
            programme by end-December 2020.                        difficulties owing to natural disasters, the Bank also provides
                                                                   a temporary reprieve for them by  granting  a moratorium on
            The Bank launched two (2) more entrepreneur targeted   financing payment.
            programmes during the year, namely the Commercial
            Property Financing (“CPF”) and KLINIK PUSRAWI Licensing   Our commitment to Debt Management and Financial
            programme which will be opened for applications from   Planning extends towards educational initiatives in our
            customers in the second quarter of 2021.               effort to raise the level of financial literacy among society.
                                                                   The Bank has organised a series of briefings, talks and
            Recognising the Bank’s commitment to the SME market,   seminars via collaborations with organisations, government
            several SME-related organisations invited Bank Muamalat as   bodies,  associations and  NGOs;  to highlight the importance
            a panel participant for their webinars in order to offer advice   of managing personal  finances  prudently. These  educational
            on financial  management.  This  opened  up opportunities   sessions also served to inculcate good saving habits.
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