Page 83 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 83

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

            We are mindful of the interdependence of finance with the real economy, social cohesion and our natural eco-system. We
            nurture our connection to the communities we serve and are accountable for the risks we take  and create for the people who
            use  our products  and  services.  Our focus  on inclusion  puts basic  banking products  in service  of a greater number of people,
            rather than highly sophisticated products in the hands of a few. We are also highly aware of the externalities produced by our
            banking  activities by the projects and clients we finance.
            As a responsible organisation

            Bank Muamalat supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) in our business and sustainable practices.
            We  have identified  six  (6)  SDGs  that are most  aligned with our  material issues  and  our  sustainability efforts  in  FY2020. The
            Bank recognises the need to progressively take active steps to ensure our continuous commitment to contribute to the global
            development under the 17 SDGs. In this Report, we refer to the respective SDGs and how we have contributed to promote
            them in our sustainability  initiatives under the respective material EES topics.
            Based on our Mission and role as a responsible financial institution, we have categorised our sustainability activities according
            to the Economic, Environmental and Social (“EES”) domains. These activities are further elaborated and reflected by our
            Material Matters as identified through our materiality assessment and stakeholder engagement:

                          ECONOMY                          ENVIRONMENTAL                     SOCIAL
                 •  Economic Performance           •   Energy  Consumption  &        •   Employment
                 •  Entrepreneur Development        Environmental Impact             •   Diversity  & Equal  Opportunity
                 •  Responsible  Financing                                           •   Training & Education
                 •  Procurement Practices
                 •  Ethics & Integrity                                               •   Community  Development
                 •  Customer Experience                                              •   Financial Inclusion
                 •  Digital  Banking

            *Global Alliance for Banking on Values (“GABV”) is an independent network of banks using finance to deliver sustainable economic, social and environmental development; with
            a focus on helping individuals  fulfil  their potential  and build  stronger communities. It comprises 66 financial  institutions and 16 strategic partners operating in countries  across
            Asia, Africa, Australia, Latin America, North America and Europe. Collectively  it  serves  more than 70 million  customers, holds  over $200 billion  USD of  combined assets under
            management, and is supported by more than 77,000 co-workers.
            *Value-Based  intermediation  (“VBI”)  aims  to  deliver the intended outcomes of  Shariah  through practices, conduct and offerings that  generate positive  and sustainable impact  to
            the economy, community and environment, consistent with the shareholders' sustainable returns and long-term interests. The VBI Community of Practitioners or “CoP” is a
            collaborative platform for industry players to strategically advance industry-wide implementation of VBI agenda. CoP was initially founded by five (5) Islamic banks namely Bank
            Islam Malaysia Berhad, Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad, Bank Pertanian Malaysia Berhad (Agrobank), CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad and HSBC Amanah Malaysia Berhad. Today,
            in 2021, 14 banks are in the CoP.
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