Page 85 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 85

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

            Sustainability pillars
            Our approach to sustainability is guided by our sense of
            purpose; to create values for the long term; and manage
            our business in a balanced and responsible way. We do this
            through our three (3) sustainability pillars. Aligning to our role
            to  deliver  banking solutions,  we  have  identified  the relevant
            UN  SDGs  where  we  can  contribute  to  the  sustainability   ENVIRONMENTAL
            of the EES aspects in Malaysia. The Sustainability Goals   We consider the impact our business operations has
            adopted by  Bank  Muamalat in measuring our sustainability   on the environment and society and continue to
            performance, are as follows:
                                                                     improve management of utilities, fuel and paper. In
                                                                     optimising our influence on the value chain, we support
                                                                     vendors that adopt sustainable  practices,  as well as
                                                                     companies  that  contribute  to  environmental-related
                                                                     preservation activities and adhere to environmental
                                                                     related regulations.


               We are aligned to national goals and work to support
               the Malaysian government’s and regulators’ programmes
               towards  enhancing  national  growth  and  development.
               We provide opportunities for local suppliers and adhere
               to corporate governance standards as well as codes of   SOCIAL
               conducts aligned to Islamic values. We also pay our
               fair share of taxes and make economic contributions  to   Having good social impact is a core focus for Bank
               the communities wherein  we operate.  We  incorporate   Muamalat. We advance financial inclusion for customers
               responsible financing in our lending practices, and   and contribute to the community. Understanding
               conduct  our  business  in  a  fair and  responsible  manner.   the greater impact we can have on the lives of our
               This  includes  taking  a  proactive  stance  to  combat   employees and their families, we seek to be a workplace
               bribery,  corruption, protect  customer data and prevent   of choice that prioritises welfare initiatives, develops
               financial crime.                                      potential and upholds fairness and integrity.
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