Page 94 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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92   BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
                                                            About Us
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020


                                                                                   SDG 12.2

                                                                                   Sustainable management and use
                                                                                   of natural resources

                                                                                   SDG 12.5

                                                                                   Substantially reduce waste

                                                                                   SDG 12.6
                                                                                   Encourage companies to adopt
                                                                                   sustainable practices and
                                                                                   sustainable reporting

                                                                                  BUILDING ENVIRONMENTAL
                                                                                  AWARENESS AND
                                                                                  SUSTAINABLE ECOSYSTEMS

                                                                                  A monthly Environmental Awareness
                                                                                  programme has been introduced
                                                                                  at Bank Muamalat in line with
                                                                                  growing awareness of our impact on
                                                                                  the environment and affect positive
                                                                                  behavioural  and  culture  change
                                                                                  towards our natural environment
                                                                                  across the Bank. As part of this
                                                                                  programme, monthly digital bulletins
                                                                                  on environmental issues are e-mailed
                                                                                  to all Bank employees. A Recycling
                                                                                  Station, supported by posters on
                                                                                  recycling, has also been set up at the
                                                                                  cafeteria to encourage Bank employees
                                                                                  to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle
                                                                                  and reduce waste. The project was
                                                                                  completed  in  March  2021  and  the
                                                                                  weight of recycled items is being
                                                                                  monitored to better gauge the impact
                                                                                  delivered through this initiative.

                                                                                  By leading the change and slowly
                                                                                  making these alternatives the norm,
                                                                                  we hope to bring improvement to the
                                                                                  level of awareness,  understanding and
                                                                                  appreciation of sustainability practices
                                                                                  at the Bank.
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