Page 93 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 93

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

            As at 31 December 2021, the Jariah Fund has collected a   The Roadmap focuses on three (3) areas; Governance,
            resounding RM40,415.00 for a total of 11 on-going projects   Technology and Infrastructure, and Operations and Training;
            in collaboration with five (5) partners, namely, the National     to address issues related to data management within the
            Autism Society of Malaysia (“NASOM”), Yayasan Ikhlas,   organisation.
            Yayasan Muslimin, Yayasan Sejahtera and Malaysian
            Association for the Blind (“MAB”).                     To  date,  the  Bank  has  developed  and  established  the
            Data Governance & Security
                                                                   •   Data  Governance  Structure  such  as  the  establishment  of
            In a world that is increasingly data driven, the Bank is   a Data Management Committee, Data Ownership, and
            investing in initiatives to strengthen the governance structure   re-organisation of Data Management Division (“DAMD”)
            and develop methodologies with regard to data management
            particularly on data accuracy and  data  integrity. This  will   • Policies  on  Data  Governance  and Data  Quality
            facilitate data integration efforts and enhance data integrity   •   Data  Warehouse  (i.e.  development  of  Data  Lake  and  Data
            towards contributing to the accuracy of business intelligence,   Warehouse)
            enterprise reporting and analytics applications. Through a
            future  of  improved  data  integrity  and  reduced  data  errors,   •   Awareness  &  Training  related  to  Data  Governance,  Data
            the following benefits can be harnessed:                 Visualisation, Data Warehouse and Data Quality

                                                                   The following initiatives are in progress:
              With enhanced integration of data from reliable data   Data Management Phase 2
              sources, employees can access customer data and profiles   (Targeted to be completed by 2021)
              faster for improved productivity and better  analysis.
                                                                    •   Review  and  improvement  on  the  current  Data
                                                                      Governance Structure.

              Regulatory  Bodies                                    •   Enhancement  on  Policy on  Data  Management.
              The  increased  capabilities  and  efficiency  in  submitting   •   Review  on  Data  Dictionary and Data  Classification.
              big data as per regulatory requirements presents an
              opportunity for regulators to enhance their understanding   Data Lake & Data Warehouse Project
              of both the institutions they regulate and the credit   (Targeted to be completed by 2021)
              exposures of individual obligors across institutions.
                                                                    •   Continued  development  of  a  bank-wide  project  for
                                                                      Centralised Repository Platform, which includes Data
              Customers                                               Lake (foundation for big data), Quality tools, Enterprise
                                                                      Data Warehouse (“EDW”), and Business Intelligent
              Customers will feel more assured as their loyalty and   tools solution to ensure a single source of information.
              trust is fortified when they know that data is more
              protected, in line with regulations, and that  the Bank is
              able to monitor data breaches better.                 Data Quality Solution Project
                                                                    (Targeted to be completed by 2022)
            Currently, the Bank is implementing the initiatives under the   •   Development  of  data  quality  tool  to  acquire  accurate,
            Data Management  Roadmap that  spans from 2019  to  2022,   reliable and timely data in order to meet internal
            for development of an effective data management platform   and external reporting requirements, and for analysis
            (i.e. data governance framework  and infrastructure),  capacity   purposes.
            building on data analytics and improve quality of data for
            the Bank.
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