Page 96 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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94   BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
                                                            About Us
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020


                                                                The following data discloses our utilities, paper and fuel
                 Reduce Stationery & Printing Costs
                                                                consumption in FY2020:

             Initiatives Implemented:
             • Encourage reduction of stationery  use
             • Minimise printing  through increased digitalisation
                                                                        Total Electricity (HQ)   Total Electricity (Branches)
             •  Replacement  of  MPV  (Multi-purpose  Voucher)
              utilisation with A4 paper for selected transactions
              posted by PSC (Payment Settlement Centre)
             •  Relocation  of  photocopy  machines  to  a  centralised      4,538,720 kWh  3,830,669 kwh  3,359,456 kwh  4,266,053 kwh

                  TOTAL SAVINGS FOR FY2020
                             1.34 Million

                 Fuel, Mileage & Travelling                              FY2019  FY2020             FY2019  FY2020

             Initiatives Implemented:

             • Online training for employees at branches
             • Minimise travel  by Branch representatives                          Total Paper Purchased (HQ)

                                                                                                  4,070 reams
                  TOTAL SAVINGS FOR FY2020                                                        4,900 reams
                             2.09 Million

                                                                                     FY2019    FY2020

                                                                In FY2020, there was an overall reduction in paper used by most
                                                                departments  in  the  Bank.  However,  there  was  also  an  increase  in
                                                                A4-size papers purchased due to the implementation of the
                                                                moratorium  that  involved  processing  of customers’  applications.
                                                                The increase in overall business also contributed to the need for
                                                                more A4 papers. We are confident that the Bank’s plan to digitise all
                                                                processes will contribute to greater savings in the future.
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