Page 95 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 95

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

            This mindfulness has pushed Bank Muamalat a step forward   as well  as  companies that adhere to environmental-related
            in engaging with vendors that adopt environmental initiatives   regulations. Financing on this front has increased from
            and sustainable practices.  We believe that just by making an   RM172.3 million in FY2019 to RM227.7 million in FY2020.
            informed decision to prioritise sustainable initiatives, the final
            aim of VBI can be realised.
                                                                   ENERGY AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
            In FY2020, to print Raya packets, the Bank employed vendors   At the workplace, we continue to advocate resource and energy
            that use recycled paper  and environmental-friendly ink;   efficiency as well as sustainable infrastructure, processes  and
            and in choosing  corporate gifts  for VIPs, we opted for   systems towards achieving sustainable business goals. The
            upcycled gifts created by the Biji-Biji Initiative, a social   inception of the Cost Saving Initiative (“CSI”) Taskforce in
            enterprise  that  seeks  to  popularise  sustainable  living     the last quarter  of 2019 has intensified focus on energy  and
            by reusing waste creatively. These reflect how a simple   resource management. Multiple initiatives to reduce cost and
            switch in small  areas can start to make a difference in living   at the same time better manage the Bank’s consumption of
            up to the ideals of VBI.  Through these choices, the  support   energy, water, fuel and stationery supplies have since been
            provided to the sustainable ecosystem will also have a   implemented. The initiatives target infrastructural changes as
            cascading  impact  on  encouraging  businesses  to  champion   well as behavioural mindfulness by employees. The following
            green practices.
                                                                   cost saving initiatives were kicked off during the year under

                                                                          Reduce Utilities Cost

                                                                      Initiatives Implemented:
                                                                      • Lights off at offices  and toilets  during  lunch  break
                                                                      • Installation  of  LED  lightbulbs

                                                                      •   Effective chiller management whilst maintaining the
                                                                       cooling at HQ office
                                                                      • Control usage  of  split  air-conditioners
                                                                      •   Switch  off  power  usage  of  desktop  (during  lunch
              The Bank’s sustainable corporate gifts include the  Angsana Pouch   and after office hours)
              Bag from Biji-Biji, which is innovated from tarpaulin banners that are
              commonly hung  around as promotional items; and the  Saga Clutch
              Bag, produced from rejected car seat belts.             •   Reduce  air  conditioning  temperature by  1  Celsius
                                                                      •   Scheduled  maintenance  for  water  pipes  and  water
            Accompanying these small initiatives, a more VBI aligned   tanks
            direction in our business is leading to increased total   • Lowering water  pressure/system
            exposure to financing aligned with Preserving the Natural
            Environment. This is done through an extended credit      • Reminders  to conserve  water  and turn  off  taps
            assessment that delves into VBI aspects of the projects.
            We currently direct this financing towards companies that
            contribute to environment preservation activities through       TOTAL SAVINGS FOR FY2020
            indicators such as certification in Good Manufacturing                RM  577,000
            Practice (“GMP”), Malaysia Sustainable Palm Oil (“MSPO”),
            and  Good  Agriculture  Practice  (“GAP”), among  others;
   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100