Page 55 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 55

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

                                                                                     The Muamalat Application Platform
            CONSUMER FINANCING                                                       (“MAP”), launched in October 2020,
            Consumer Financing manages the                                           was one such inspired offering during
            following financing portfolios:                                          the year that was introduced in tandem
                                                                                     with the non-face-to-face requirement
             Mortgage Financing                                                      for business interactions as COVID-19
                                                                                     preventive measures kicked in. It
             Personal Financing                                                      was introduced to facilitate online
                                                                                     applications so that customers could
             Vehicle Financing                                                       apply for financing without having to
                                                                                     visit the branch. Once the MAP project
             ASB Financing                                                           was enhanced with consumer financing
                                                                                     products, more financing applications
             Ar-Rahnu Financing                                                      were generated through this platform.
                                                                                     Within three (3) months of activation,
               Small & Medium Enterprises                                            at end-December 2020, a total of 344
             (“SME”) Financing                                                       applications amounting to RM53.27
                                                                                     million  were  recorded  through  MAP.
                                                                                     For 2021, the Bank expects MAP to
                                                                                     contribute about 30% or RM1.82
             Financing Asset Outstanding (RM Billion)  Financing Outstanding By Product  billion of total Consumer Financing

                                      + 16 %                             5,290.2|44%  applications.
                9.71  9.81  9.43  10.00  10.26  11.96                      617.2|5%
                                                                           168.1|2%     Consumer Banking
                                                                           159.1|1%     continues to be the
                                                                                        major contributor to the
                                                                                        Bank’s asset portfolios
                                                                                        with total assets of
                                                                                        RM11.96 billion, of
                                                                                        which the Mortgage
                                                   Mortagage        Ar-Rahnu            Financing leads at
                                                   Personal Financing   Others
                                                   ASB              SME                 44% with a substantial
             FY15/16 FY16/17 FY17/18 FY18/19 FY2019  FY2020   Vehicle                   portion of Consumer
                                                                                        Banking financing assets,
            For FY2020, Consumer Banking         a healthy pace of 16.5% or RM1,698.7
            continues to be the major contributor   million to RM11.96 billion as at    followed by Personal
            to the Bank’s asset portfolios with total   December 2020, as Consumer Banking   Financing with a 36%
            assets of RM11.96 billion, of which   kept pace with changing market        share.
            the Mortgage Financing leads at 44%   conditions and launched enhanced
            with a substantial portion of Consumer   financing products, product features
            Banking financing assets, followed by   and  services  catering to  new  customer
            Personal Financing with a 36% share.   expectations.
            Total financing outstanding grew at
   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60