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54   BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
                                                            About Us
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020



          Mortgage  Financing                 Middle 40% (T20 & M40)  income      Personal Financing
                                              groups through enhanced approaches
                      FOR FY2020,             and features in its SMART Mortgage             FOR  FY2020,
                  MORTGAGE                    Flexi (Tawarruq) launched in July 2020.      PERSONAL
                  FINANCING                   At the same time, Consumer Banking           FINANCING
                  REPRESENTED                 actively pursued overwhelming public         REPRESENTED
          44%  OR RM5.3 BILLION  OF           response  to  Skim  Rumah  Pertamaku   36% OR  RM4.3  BILLION OF
          CONSUMER BANKING’S                  (“SRP”) and Skim Jaminan Kredit     CONSUMER BANKING’S
          TOTAL FINANCING ASSETS.             Perumahan (“SJKP”) through affordable   TOTAL FINANCING ASSETS.
                                              home financing opportunities for the
                                              Below 40% (B40) income segment.
             Mortgage  Financing Outstanding                                      It was a dynamic year for Personal
                     (RM Billion)             In view of the limitations posed by   Financing as total personal financing
                                              the MCO, marketing efforts were     assets grew by 29% y-o-y. Adopting
                                + 8 growth
                                              concentrated on increased collaborations   to new  norms,  Consumer  Banking had
                                              with business partners, solicitors and   leveraged on MAP’s borderless banking
             5.00  5.19  5.06  4.97  4.92  5.29  developers; in addition to increased   capabilities to offer Personal Financing-i
                                              e-marketing of promotions through   to targeted staff of Government
                                              channels such as Loan Street, i-property,   agencies, statutory bodies, Government-
                                              iMoney,, Facebook, Twitter   linked corporations (“GLCs”), large
                                              and   Instagram. Towards  increasing   corporations and pensioners. On
                                              branding awareness in the real      December  2020,  Consumer  Banking
                                              estate market, Consumer Banking     had also launched the Employee
                                              will further enhance and diversify   Empanelment Programme (“EEP”)
                                              mortgage financing products to be   and registered 115 companies as part
                                              more competitive as well as offer more   of the Bank’s strategic initiative to
                                              attractive campaigns to customers.   select professional customer segments
          FY15/16 FY16/17 FY17/18 FY18/19 FY2019  FY2020
                                              The SMART Mortgage Solution, SJKP   for increased asset quality. Through
                                              and SRP packages are among the top   EEP, the Bank was able to identify
          BNM’s reduction  of the OPR during   products in mortgage financing that   customers according to salary scale
          the year indirectly helped customers   have  been  able  to  penetrate  the  larger   and offer customised benefits through
          pay  less for their financing with lower   real estate market.          product enhancements. These included
          profit rates, which translated into more                                financing limit of up to RM400,000 (for
          disposable income. Within the property   Performance Review             Personal Financing Cash-i product);
          segment, the customer sentiment on                                      standardised Debt Service Ratio
          financing also improved due to several   The introduction of new product   (“DSR”) and Net Disposable Income
          Government incentives for property   packages  and  features, coupled with   (“NDI”); the offering of promotional
          such  as  exemption on  stamp  duty and   good  response to the  SJKP and SRP   rates; as well as packaging the best
          100% margin of financing for first time   Home Schemes boosted total new   investment  platform.  Other  marketing
          buyers.                             mortgage financing sales of RM1.47   initiatives embarked on were the
                                              billion in FY2020. As a result, the
          As  a  whole,  Consumer  Banking    year-on-year (“y-o-y”) total for new   organisation of financial talks and
                                                                                  collaboration with selected state
          continued to cater to broader-based   approvals grew by more than 100%.   organisations across  the  country,  as
          residential property  financing  market   Landed properties dominated 79% of   well as social media engagements
          through the Bank’s signature SMART   the property type followed by flats   during the MCO period.
          House scheme and SMART Solution     or apartments at 11%. The Bank has
          package. However, there was added   extended financing amounting to
          vigilance on boosting asset quality   RM291.87 million to the affordable
          through an intensified focus on     home financing segment as at end of
          customers from the Top 20% and      2020.
   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61