Page 51 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 51

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

              ii.  Growing SME business  aggressively by offering support to SMEs that are highly  affected by the pandemic. This was
                 done on two (2) fronts. First, by responsibly chanelling financing available under the government’s stimulus packages.
                 This was followed by enhancing the structure and process flow for the Bank’s SME financing to ensure fast approval and
                 disbursement of funds.

              iii.  Catalysing  a cost conscious culture by deploying a  Cost Saving Initiative  (“CSI”) Task Force. This task  force is led by
                 the CEO’s Office with the CEO as Project Sponsor and members seconded from different departments including Finance,
                 Business  Process  Management,  Procurement,  Security  &  Administration  Services,  and  Human  Capital.  Whilst  the  Bank
                 focuses and deploys efforts to sustain the business, the CSI Task Force will look into ways to manage cost wisely by:
                 a.  Planning and identifying initiatives and key areas emerging from the implementation of CSI.
                 b.  Executing and monitoring the implementation of the work plan and the development of strategies and tasks identified
                    in the work plan.
                 c.  Monitoring and tracking the initiatives raised and discussed until they are completed.


                      OVERARCHED BY
                  VALUE-BASED PRINCIPLES

                          Resetting Target            •   Determine  new  business  areas  and  expansion  of  coverage  to  wider
                 SFA 1    Markets                     • Optimise  balance sheet expansion whilst maximising  returns
                                                        customer segment and better  rated customer segment
              Risk and Compliance Culture  SFA 3  Digital  • Journey towards  establishing a  a  digital  bank  within  a  bank
                          Disciplined Balance
                 SFA 2
                          Sheet Management
                                                      • Intensive  recovery  plan to improve  asset quality


                                                      • Optimise  data  analytics  for income  generation and cost efficiency
                 SFA 4

                 SFA 5

                          Continuous Process
                 SFA 6    Infrastructure              • Enhance infrastructure to ensure efficient service delivery and deliverables
                                                      • Improvement  of  processes and products for more  competitive  offerings
                          Improvement &
                          Shariah Innovation
                 SFA 7                                • Excellent  talent  management to support  business  growth

            SFA - Strategic Focus Area
            Following  the  revision of RISE24 due to COVID-19, efforts have been  subsequently  made to enhance its implementation and
            refine the strategic initiatives towards transformational results.
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