Page 52 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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50   BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
                                                            About Us
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020



          The FY2021 RISE24 Transformation Goals                The refined RISE24 Transformation is driven by the following
                                                                5 strategic priorities which have been aligned to the 7 SFAs,
                                                                where possible:
             Defined goals
             and objectives
             of strategic                      Determined
             initiatives                       dependencies     i   Accelerate Business Growth (SFA1, SFA2, SFA5)
                                               of each
                                                                ii  Technology Transformation (SFA3, SFA4)

             The refined                       and capacity
               RISE24                                           iii  Institutionalise Risk & Compliance
                                                                iv  Drive Efficiency (SFA2, SFA6)

          The Bank’s response to the refined RISE24 includes a new
          governance structure which enables more efficient facilitation
          of information and decision-making within individual   v  Develop Leaders/People (SFA7)
          business units, and is governed through the Transformation
          Steering Committee (“TSC”) and Transformation Management
          Office (“TMO”). By integrating efforts and initiatives towards   These 5 strategic priorities will be cascaded down for
          the anticipated aspiration, the Bank intends to break the ‘silo’   development of the Annual Business Plan FY2021 which
          mindset and elevate a sense of shared purpose.        will relay the objectives for all business and support units
                                                                in mapping their business plans for 2021. This ensures that
          Each strategy is made highly implementable with defined   the efforts and initiatives by all units for the year are geared
          goals and objectives. Every strategic initiative now has   towards the same goals.
          a determined dependency and is aligned to capability
          and capacity. TMO provides strong support, governance
          and constant communication towards the successful
          implementation of each.
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