Page 50 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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48   BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
                                                            About Us
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020


          FY2020 marks the first year of the Bank’s 5-year strategic   Adapting to the New Normal
          business plan, RISE24. However, the COVID-19 pandemic
          brought about unprecedented challenges that somewhat   •   There  was  an  urgent  need  to  gear  up  to  navigate  the  new
          derailed our strategic priorities. As a champion of Value-  normal of social distancing, new ways of doing business
          Based Intermediation (“VBI”), Bank Muamalat’s responsibility   and catalyse the use of technology to overcome physical
          towards sustaining communities was also brought to the    limitations. Initiatives launched during FY2020 included:
          fore during the year. As a result, after the first three (3)
          months of implementation, the Bank’s ongoing RISE24 was    i.  Innovating new ways  of doing business  by increasing
          re-evaluated and revised.                                 digital  solution offerings; intensifying  promotion and
                                                                    sales activities through social media and tele-sales;
          The 24 strategies under the seven (7) Strategic Focus Areas   encouraging online interaction with customers; and
          (“SFAs”) have been re-assessed and prioritised to better   conducting transactions by appointment for Ar-Rahnu
          deal  with  the  market  turbulence  caused  by  the  pandemic.   business.
          Strategies that have been prioritised include expansion into
          better-rated customer segments; increasing contribution of    ii.  Introducing work from home (“WFH”) measures  to
          non-funded income; automating internal process; and       reduce risk of infection among our staff. To this end,
          increasing collaboration and partnership for digitalisation.   employees were divided into different teams to ensure
          Meanwhile, a few strategies have been put on hold, including   business continuity, while ensuring recommended
          establishment of sales centre and dedicated sales hubs. This   safe social distancing limits were maintained at the
          is because in the new normal, physical visits to branches are   workplace.
          restricted and online transactions are paving the way ahead.
                                                                  iii.  Introducing web and mobile supported e-Training and
          By April 2020,  the  Bank completed refinements to  the   e-Learning which are accessible to our staff everywhere
          strategies set in RISE24 to create a revised plan for FY2020   and  anytime.  This  ensures  staff  are  continuously  kept
          focused on surviving pandemic conditions, adapting to a new   informed and updated with latest industry knowledge
          business normal, and staying competitive.                 and practices.

          Surviving Pandemic Challenges                         Staying Competitive

          •   Priority  is  placed  on  defending  the  quality  of  financing   •   Launching an offensive action plan to secure a competitive
           assets, intensifying the recovery plan and optimising   advantage. This encompasses cost advantage, differentiation
           liquidity in capital management. Initiatives launched   advantage and resource advantage. Initiatives launched
           during FY2020  included:                               during FY2020 included:

           i.  Revising the Bank’s preferred and non-preferred    i.  Introducing engaging digital-based platforms  that
              sectors list according to the current market situation   benefit customers. These include:
              to reduce risk of financing default in badly impacted   a)  Muamalat Application Platform (“MAP”), an
              sectors whilst increasing financing exposure in high     online financing application that expedites banking
              potential sectors.                                       transactions and enhances customer experience by
                                                                       eliminating multiple visits to branch.
           ii.  Embarking on an aggressive recovery plan through
              proactive rescheduling and restructuring of accounts, in   b)  Ar-Rahnu Online Auction, a platform for public
              addition to close monitoring of customers in COVID-19    bidders to bid for unredeemed gold items.
              affected sectors.                                     c)  e-Jamin, a digital bail payment solution that provides
                                                                       bailors the convenience of expedient and efficient
           iii.  Improving funding  strategy  to  mitigate liquidity  risk.   payment to ensure the quick release of those in
              This  was done by intensifying deposit taking activities   remand.
              by offering competitive rates, attractive campaigns, and   d)  AWARIS Online Will Writing Platform, a
              the increased  use  of  digital solutions  such  as  DuitNow,   comprehensive digital planning solution that keeps
              internet banking  and QR Pay for deposit sourcing.
                                                                       financial, wealth and legacy records on one platform
                                                                       and practices.
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