Page 45 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 45

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

                                                 What it Means to the Bank                       Discussed in

                    Diversity       •  Ensuring  diversity  within  the  Bank  to  gain  access  to   • AR: Business Model
                    and Equal         a larger pool of potential candidates and also create   • AR: Stakeholder Engagement
                    Opportunity       an environment of equality and social stability which   • SR: Employment
                                      subsequently supports economic development
                                                                                        •   SR: Diversity  & Equal
                                    •  Ensure  employees  are  treated  equally  and  given  fair   Opportunity
                                      treatment based on individual merit
                                    •  Protect  employees  from  comments  or  actions  of
                                      discrimination  and harassment on the grounds of race,
                                      colour, sex, religion and political opinion

                    Training &      •  Improve  human  capital  through  education  and   • AR: Delivering  Our  Strategy
                    Education         information dissemination                         • SR: Employment
                                    •  Ensure  ability  to  perform  by  attaining  a  required  level   • SR: Training & Education
                                      of knowledge or skill
                                    •  Expand the knowledge base of employees towards better
                                      organisational development

                    Employment      •  Covers  the  Bank’s  approach  to  hiring,  recruitment,   • AR: Business Model
                                      retention and related practices, as well as:      • SR: Employment
                                    •  Ensuring  the wellbeing of  employees            • SR: Training & Education
                                    •  Providing  rewards  and  recognition  based  on  merit  and   •   SR: Diversity  & Equal
                                      contribution                                        Opportunity
                                    •  Improve  the Bank’s ability  to attract and retain  talent

                    Financial       •  Creating  effective  touchpoints  to  communicate  with   • SR: Financial Inclusion
                    Inclusion         customers, potential customers and businesses and   • SR: Community Development
                                      provide access to useful and affordable products.

            Note : Annual Report (“AR”) and Sustainability Report (“SR”)
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