Page 43 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 43

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

            The following provides information on our material matters, how we have responded to the matters, the relevant stakeholders
            impacted and the sections in this Report which disclose our response to the matters:

                                                 What it Means to the Bank                       Discussed in

                    Ethics and      •  Compliance  with  all  applicable  laws  and  regulations  by   •   AR: Stakeholder Engagement
                    Integrity         BNM, CCM and other relevant local authorities; IFSA,   •   AR: Delivering  our  Strategy
                                      AMLA, PDPA etc
                                                                                        •   SR: Procurement  Practices
                                    •  Compliance  with  the  capital  adequacy  and  liquidity   •   SR: Ethics  & Integrity
                                      guidelines as stipulated by Basel III
                                    •  Value Based Banking practices that are aligned with VBI
                                    •  Enshrining  a  commitment  of  ethical  conduct  and
                                      behaviour throughout the organisation, from directors
                                      to officers

                    Economic        •  Ensuring  the  Bank’s  strategic  direction,  operational   •   AR: Segmental  Performance
                    Performance       activities and business create direct economic value to   •   AR: Business Model
                                      the society; and are aligned to Malaysia’s Economic Plan
                                                                                        •   SR: Responsible  Financing
                                                                                        •   SR: Entrepreneur  Development
                                                                                        •   SR: Economic  Performance
                    Entrepreneur    •  Strategy,  initiatives  and  efforts  to  help  the  underserved   •   AR: Business Model
                    Development       segments that drive the economy (i.e SMEs, MSMEs,   •   AR: Stakeholder Engagement
                    & Responsible     Entrepreneurs)                                    •   AR: Delivering  our  Strategy
                    Financing       • Financing that satisfies  the  ESG criteria
                                                                                        •   AR: Segmental  Performance
                                    • Financing that do not support  unethical  activity
                                                                                        •   SR: Responsible  Financing
                                                                                        •   SR: Entrepreneur  Development
                                                                                        •   SR: Economic  Performance

                    Procurement     •  Covers  the  practice  of  buying  goods  and  services;   •   AR: Stakeholder Engagement
                    Practices         including processing of a demand, receipt and payment   •   SR: Procurement  Practices
                                                                                        •   SR: Ethics  & Integrity
                                    •  Ensuring  a  stable,  fair  and  sustained  supply  chain
                                      through  SOP, initiatives, evaluation criteria and vendor
                                      on-boarding process
                                    •  Efforts  in  social  procurement  to  ensure  future  vendors/
                                      Bank’s supply chain will not abuse local and international
                                      human rights
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