Page 59 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

                Ar-Rahnu Income (RM Million)     referrals from branches. In addition,     SME FINANCING
                                                 the Division employed bulk sign up
                                  + 93 growth    by  Army  personnel  as  a  key  strategy   Small and Medium Enterprises
                                                 to induce take-up of the scheme. As a   (“SME”) Financing
               6.7  10.6  13.6  14.0  13.3  25.6  result, total ASB assets stood at RM1.1
                                                 billion, a 4% increase y-o-y from the          FOR  FY2020,
                                                 previous corresponding period.               SME FINANCING
                                                                                              REPRESENTED 1% OR
                                                                                              RM159.1 MILLION
                                                 Based on the downward trend of      OF CONSUMER BANKING’S
                                                 dividend  payout  over  the  past  years,   TOTAL FINANCING ASSETS.
                                                 the Division foresees a change in
                                                 customers’ demand for investment
                                                 in ASNB products. ASNB on the       The Bank’s SME Banking segment,
            FY15/16 FY16/17 FY17/18 FY18/19 FY2019  FY2020
                                                 other hand is expecting agent banks   previously under Business Banking
                                                 to offer competitive financing rates   Division, is now under the purview
            Performance Review
                                                 to   customers  in  view of  the  lower   of Consumer Banking Division
            Ar-Rahnu’s recorded revenue of       dividends declared. The challenge   starting May 2020, and is expected to
            RM25.6 million supported by financing   would be to convince the public that   play a significant role in supporting
            assets amounting to RM304.5 million,   investment  in ASNB  products  through   the objectives of the national
            which represented 3% of the Bank’s total   financing is still worthwhile. As long   entrepreneurship agenda towards
            assets in FY2020. Ar-Rahnu achieved a   as  the  returns are  above  deposit  rates,   enabling SMEs in contributing 50% to
            total disbursement of RM571.2 million   the Division remains optimistic that the   the GDP by  the year 2030. The Bank’s
            with the highest monthly disbursement   challenges can be overcome.      SME portfolio was established with
            of RM75.9 million in August 2020.                                        RM39.4 million in 2019 and grew to
                                                                                     RM159.1 million in FY2020.
                                                   The Bank’s SME
            Amanah Saham Bumiputra (“ASB”)
            Financing                              Banking segment,                  C u r r e ntl y,  S M E s  a n d  M i c r o
                                                   previously under                  Enterprises employ  some  two-thirds
                       FOR  FY2020,                Business Banking                  of the country’s total workforce and
                     ASB FINANCING                 Division, is now under            contribute to 40% of the economy. In
                     REPRESENTED 9% OR                                               order to build resilience in this crucial
                     RM1.1 BILLION                 the purview of Consumer           sector during the  economic slowdown,
            OF CONSUMER BANKING’S                  Banking Division starting         the Malaysian Government had issued
            TOTAL FINANCING ASSETS.                May 2020, and is expected         stimulus packages worth USD64
                                                   to play a significant             billion, with bulk of the incentives
                                                   role in supporting the            aimed at  helping  SMEs  in managing
            The Bank’s Amanah Saham Nasional                                         their cashflows, retain employees and
            Berhad (“ASNB”) business continued     objectives of the national        gain access to financing. SME Financing
            to grow in FY2020, despite the         entrepreneurship agenda           supported this national  agenda with
            reduction in quota from RM350 million   towards enabling SMEs            the  introduction of Working Capital
            to RM100 million by Permodalan         in contributing 50% to            Guarantee Scheme (“WCGS”), which
            Nasional Berhad (“PNB”). In order to   the GDP by the year               is guaranteed by Syarikat Jaminan
            get additional ASB  quota, the Division   2030. The Bank’s SME           Pembiayaan Perniagaan (“SJPP”) for
            needed to meet the sales target of                                       financing up to RM1.0 million, with up
            ASNB  Variable  funds  as  per ASNB    portfolio  was established        to 80% coverage for SME and 90% for
            requirement. Marketing efforts were    with RM39.4 million in            Micro Enterprises. The Bank’s branches
            intensified through public roadshows,   2019 and grew to RM159.1         also marketed the special rates offered
            direct sales, corporate presentations and   million in FY2020.           to SMEs and Micro Enterprises
                                                                                     through the BNM’s PENJANA Tourism
                                                                                     Financing Programme whereby the
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