Page 62 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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60   BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
                                                            About Us
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020



          takings remained strong, contributed     Overall Deposits (RM Billion)  mosques nationwide. Next, e-Wakaf via
          by new deposits acquired from New                                       DuitNow was launched in collaboration
          to Bank (“NTB”) and Existing to Bank     19.4        18.8       21.4    with  four (4) State Wakaf Management
          (“ETB”) customers, while retaining the                                  bodies.  Meanwhile,  e-Zakat through
          existing funds.                                                         DuitNow,  in  collaboration  with
                                                                                  seven (7)  State Islamic Religious
          These deposit strategies will remain                                    Councils, was launched in April 2020.
          intact  for  the  following  financial                                  Subsequently, e-Qurban through
          years.  The  Bank  is  committed  to                                    DuitNow was launched in July 2020
          create outstanding deposit value                                        to enable electronic transactions for
          propositions  that  meet  target  market   FY2018  FY2019     FY2020    qurban purposes, in collaboration
          requirements through continuous                                         with  20 selected  mosques and
          innovative deposit campaigns,             Total CASA (RM Billion)       Non-Governmental Organisations.
          creative marketing productions, new
          and improvised financial technology      4.7         5.9        7.8     Going further, in October 2020, the Bank
          (“fintech”) development and market                                      engaged in a strategic collaboration
          penetration while minimising deposit                                    campaign with EzCab Sdn Bhd
          attrition.  CASA will be the main focus                                 (“EzCab”) to accept cashless payments
          of deposit growth, and is targeted to                                   through Bank Muamalat’s DuitNow QR
          reach more than 50% growth in five (5)                                  platform for  e-hailing  taxi  customers.
          years’ time, as the catalyst for driving                                To date, Bank Muamalat has a network
          the Bank’s overall deposit position.                                    of nearly 5,000 QR retailers that have
                                                                                  migrated to our DuitNow QR platform.
          Performance Review                    FY2018      FY2019      FY2020
                                                                                  Strategies Moving Forward For
          The Bank’s CASA recorded growth     The COVID-19 pandemic has           Deposits & Payment Services
          of 31%, with increase in outstanding   also accelerated the Bank’s digital
          balance at RM5.9 billion in FY2019   transformation  to  remain  relevant   •   Enhance  a  seamless  customer
          to RM7.8 billion in FY2020. CASA    among customers, overcome the         experience that is cashless,
          growth continues  to be the main  focus   limitations of the new norms, and   ubiquitous, and a part of consumer’s
          for cheaper cost of funds, as well as   contribute  to  retail  deposit  growth.   day-to-day lifestyles.
          for managing the Bank’s liquidity   During the year, the Bank’s digital   •   Fortify  the  current  digitalisation
          requirement. Current Account (“CA”)   banking platforms, through Retail   platform to ensure customers can
          grew by 33%, from RM4.4 billion in   Internet Banking (“RIB”) and Mobile   bank from anywhere with no hassle.
          2019 to RM5.9 billion in FY2020. The   Banking (“MOB”) recorded 372,149   •   Introduce  digital  products  and
          growth  resulted  from  acquisition  of   users and 141,315 users respectively.   services  for  all  deposit  products
          new collection accounts, as well as   The number of RIB and MOB           to heighten competitive edge;
          the support  from  our  existing  top   subscribers from FY2019 to FY2020   and  leverage  on  faster and  wider
          corporate depositors. Savings Account   increased by 62,508 users and 52,528   coverage.
          (“SA”) recorded a growth of 28%, from    users respectively. This translates into
          RM1.5 billion in FY2019 to RM1.9    20% and 59% increase, as the pandemic   •   Introduce  flexible  and  modular
          billion in FY2020. The increase in   environment is moving consumers to   product packages  whereby customer
          savings is partly due to the announced   interact more digitally with their banks.   can manage and optimise their
          moratorium for financing payments   The Bank’s DuitNow QR platform        accounts at their convenience.
          as well as financial assistance from   (“DuitNow”) was also optimised   •   Greater  emphasis  on  customer
          the Government during the year.     during the year to provide seamless   centricity towards matching product
          These targeted affected groups, giving   and cashless payment solutions   with customer demographics,
          customers an opportunity to have more   to the public. The initiative began   building strong bus iness
          financial access, without withdrawing   with the development of e-Donation   relationships, and offering excellent
          their existing savings.             transactions via DuitNow for nearly 700     personalised service and consultancy.
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