Page 65 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

            Muamalat Beyond Premier Banking                        sales also registered impressive figures, with FY2020
                                                                   recording RM15.2 million as compared to RM4.5 million in
            Total Premier Banking customers grew by 18% y-o-y to     FY2019.
            235  newly registered members,  representing an  average new
            customer acquisition of 20 Premier Banking members  per   In enhancing our Gold Investment services towards greater
            month. Total deposits grew by  9.7% to RM275 million with   inclusivity and value to the community, the Bank has
            an average monthly deposit of RM23 million.            designed for this alternative investment to be affordable
                                                                   to all levels of income earners. Retail Investment’s gold
                                                                   system  allows  for  24-hour  transactions;  purchase  of  gold  at
                       Number of Premier Banking Customers         a minimum of RM10; and the convenience of transacting
                                                                   gold online, which enables customers to perform their gold
                31  47        168  188     199  235     22  20     transactions from the safety of their own home or offices.
                                                                   Additionally, pawning and collateralising is allowed for not
                                                                   just physical gold, but also gold account over the counter.
                                                                   This supported customers in need and enabled them to better
                                                                   manage  their  financial  planning  during  the  period  when
                                                                   unemployment was at its peak.

                                                                   In total, Gold-generated income amounted to RM8.1 million
                NTB         Upgrade        Total      Average/     for FY2020, an outstanding growth of 356% from RM1.7
                                                      Customers    million in FY2019. The growth is attributed to the strong
                                                                   promotion by the Bank through several creative campaigns
                                FY2019    FY2020
                                                                   namely Zam Zam Alakazam 2 Campaign, Premier Banking
                                                                   Gold Campaign and Gegar 10 Campaign.
                 Premier Banking Deposits by Category  (RM Million)
                                                                   Muamalat Gold-i Account has, since its introduction, become
               74.6  103.1  86.5  115.4  90.0  57.1  251.1  275.7  27.9  23.0  the mainstay gold product favoured by customers  compared
                                                                   to physical gold, and has contributed 92% to the Bank’s total
                                                                   gold sales.

                                                                        Total Gold Sales & Monthly Average (RM Million)

                                                                       5.0  14.9    36.0  168.4  40.9  183.3   4.5  15.3

              Savings   Current    FTA-i      Total    Average
                                             Deposit  Deposit/Month
                                FY2019    FY2020

            Wealth Creation/Accumulation:
                                                                   Physical Sales  Gold Acc    Total Sales  Average Sales
            Gold Investment
                                                                                       FY2019    FY2020
            Since its introduction in 2017, Muamalat Gold-i Account    Unit Trust
            (“MG-i”) has grown in great strides and was the highlight
            for Retail Investment in FY2020 as the Bank reinforced   Unit Trust recorded a modest increase in total sales for
            the importance of gold investment in times of economic   FY2020 as the pandemic and uncertain economic conditions
            uncertainty.  The year recorded the best performance to date,   caused investors to adopt a cautious view and be wary
            as illustrated in the graphs attached. Total gold sold amounted   of the equity markets and instead seek refuge in precious
            to RM183.3 million or 697 kilograms. This represents an   metal. Assets Under Management (“AUM”) for FY2020
            increase of 348% over the previous year. Average monthly   stood at RM61.3 million, a modest increase from FY2019 of
                                                                   RM57.7 million.
   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70