Page 68 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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66   BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
                                                            About Us
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020


                                                                                  customers to increase revenue and
                                                                                  boost assets. In preserving existing
                                                                                  asset quality from further deterioration,
                                                                                  we worked closely with the Bank’s
                                                                                  Early Care and Remedial Team to curb
                  REVENUE              CONTRIBUTION                               further deterioration  on asset  quality
             RM                          TO  BANK’S                               and tailored-payment assistance to
                281.5  Million            REVENUE                                 customers to prevent defaults.
              22.7   Increase              24.1   %                               The Bank also prioritised a Triple
                 Year-on-Year                                                     Bottom Line (“TBL”) approach
                                                                                  consistent with its focus on values-
                                                                                  based banking. Aligned to this, the
                                                                                  Division’s exposure on TBL activities in
                                                                                  FY2020 increased by 6.08% to RM3,278.2
                                                                                  million,  from  RM3,088.3  million  in
                                                                                  FY2019. On this front, the financing
                                                                                  extended to Preserving Natural
                                                                                  Environment segment accounted for
                                                                                  the highest growth; increased by
                                                                                  32.15% to RM227.7 million in FY2020
                                                                                  from RM172.3 million FY2019.
          BUSINESS BANKING                    facilities and competitive pricing to
                                              secure utilisation from customers while   Working towards greater efficiency in
          Challenges abounded during the MCO-  relying on our signature consultative   improving customer experience, we
          stricken 2020 as cash flow disruptions   approach to understand our clientele’s   pooled our manpower resources to
          hit businesses, impacting some of the   specific needs and tailor our products   expedite the documentation process
          Bank’s corporate and commercial clients   competitively to suit their business   during  the  year,  swiftly ensuring
          in FY2020. The Bank extended payment   requirements.  As a result, the Division   approvals on RM1,152 million new
          assistance  via  the national moratorium   achieved  total  financial  growth  of   corporate financing and RM288 million
          and indulgence of time on principal   7.8% y-o-y, securing RM449 million   commercial financing.
          payment to affected customers; and   for FY2020. By end-December 2020,
          a total of RM155 million worth of   Business Banking was managing in    Through agility, responsiveness and
          scheduled settlements, out of a total   excess of RM6.1 billion in assets, with   greater efficiency, Business Banking
          RM374 million, were deferred as per   over 97% coming from the Corporate   achieved a commendable RM264.9
          customer’s request, during the year   segment, and 3% from the Commercial   million in financing income, RM16.6
          under review. The change of the Bank’s   segment.                       million in fee income, and total
          financial reporting year from  31 March                                 financing of RM1,137.0 million for
          to 31 December which happened in    Both segments, in line with the     Trade  Finance  for  the  year.  All  new
          FY2019  led to  Business  Banking   Bank’s requirements and in view of   deals for fee income met the set
          entering the competitive fray with   the challenging business environment,   Business Customer Ratings (“BCR”)
          other banks in securing working capital   placed  emphasis  on  good  quality   of 1 to 6; and were under preferred
          facilities (i.e. Trade, MRF and MCash   assets with good payment capability   sectors. BCR is a credit risk grading
          facilities) utilisation from customers for   in order to maintain Non-Performing   given to existing or potential customer
          year-end assets.                    Assets while growing the Division’s   applying for business financing.
                                              profit. New account acquisition plans   The Division also enhanced product
          The situation called for more agile and   were executed towards preferred-  holding  per  customer  from  1:1  to  1:2.7
          aggressive marketing in order to meet   rated customers and preferred sectors.   reflecting improved yield enhancement
          set targets. Business Banking rose to   This was complemented by target   for fee income products.
          the occasion  with daily tracking of the   marketing on low utilisation rate
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