Page 73 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 73

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

            TREASURY AND

                     REVENUE              CONTRIBUTION
                 RM                     TO BANK’S TOTAL
                     262  Million            FUNDING
                 22.9   Increase             49.2    %

            TREASURY AND CAPITAL                 meeting overall regulatory liquidity   Performance Review
            MARKETS                              requirements such as short term
                                                 Liquidity  Coverage  Ratio  (“LCR”)   Notwithstanding, the TCM Division,
            Challenges                           and longer term Net Stable Funding   through its strategic planning and
                                                 Ratio (“NSFR”) while taking into    anticipation of market direction, was
            As the spread of coronavirus adversely   consideration bank counterparties,   able to  optimise  its  high-quality liquid
            impacted the world, markets grappled   infrastructure and market outlooks.   assets (HQLA) and recorded a gross
            with  the  changed  health, economic                                     income of RM270 million, inclusive of
            and business landscapes. In Malaysia,   On monetary policy, BNM’s proactive   a capital gain on securities of RM57.5
            the Government-imposed lockdown      measures saw robust OPR rate cuts   million.
            in March 2020 stalled the country’s   of 125 bps from 3.00% to 1.75% and
            economic  activities and led to business   Statutory Reserve Requirement (“SRR”)   Throughout the year, the Money Market
            operation diversifications. The Bank’s   from 3.00% to 2.00% respectively with   funding desk proactively managed the
            Treasury and Capital Markets (“TCM”)   Government  securities  instruments     Bank’s cash flow, improving overall
            operations were  forced to  split into   used to meet the SRR minimum  ratio.   funding cost by reclassification of
            teams  working from  three (3)  separate   The Ministry of Finance introduced a   institutional clients from branches
            locations namely Bank Muamalat’s     series of economic stimulus packages   to TCM for better customer service
            Head Office, the Bank’s Disaster     during the  year  to help  combat  the   experience and to optimise the Bank’s
            Recovery Centre and working from     downward spiral of the economy.     liquidity ratio. TCM’s total funding
            home  to ensure  business  continuity   Stimulus packages worth RM305    reduced by 114  bps  from 3.12% to
            and non-disruption of operations.    billion and a direct fiscal injection   2.16%  with LCR  and  NSFR positioned
                                                 of RM55 billion were announced to   at  115.87% and  107.96%  at  the end
            The TCM Division diligently performed   provide  immediate  assistance  to  lessen   of FY2020 respectively.  As at end of
            its role in ensuring sufficient liquidity   the burden of those affected by the   the year, TCM provided 49.24% of the
            throughout the period despite the    pandemic.                           Bank’s total funding of RM21.40 billion.
            lockdown restrictions and  limitations.
            For the year, TCM’s profitability and
            funding strategies centered around
   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78